
Anyone manage to get the TaoTronics over-ear headphones? I’m showing Currently unavailable...

Anyone manage to get the TaoTronics over-ear headphones? I’m showing Currently unavailable...

He’s also not the lead singer of Joy Division, so I have no clue either way.

No it isn’t. Because saying the Dave Matthews Band is good would be a complete lie.

I take great offense to that shirt.

Well, he wrote a couple good songs...

Lead singer of The Smiths. And solo work after that. Just don’t buy a ticket to any of his shows, because he won’t show up.

But the shirt that is the basis of this entire blog post isn’t just a picture of Baldwin’s face. It’s a picture of him accompanied by the lyrics of Morrissey, thereby associating someone else’s words with a person that perhaps never even heard them. I don’t care what ethnicity, sexuality, or whatever someone

His band puts on the best concert I’ve ever seen though.

I don’t know what to tell you. Morrissey doesn’t identify as a homosexual. That’s a widely known fact. I suppose you’re free to hold a different opinion of the situation, but I’m not sure on what authority you base your assumption that outranks Morrissey’s own words.

What does your imagined use of the late, great Baldwin’s face have to do with reality?

Uh, if you put a picture of James Baldwin’s face with a Photoshopped noose around it on a shirt, I’d say that would probably qualify as a bad thing.

Go ninja go ninja go!

Well, nothing wrong with attempting to view the situation optimistically, but given Morrissey’s past actions and comments, I’m mostly inclined to think he’s just being a twat.

Morrissey isn’t homosexual. I suppose that doesn’t preclude him from identifying with Baldwin’s homosexuality, but it’s more likely he’s just an idiot. Or a twat, as another commenter has pointed out has been scientifically verified.

Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ!

Morrissey could go away without being missed much, but Bono is a brilliant entertainer. So I respectfully disagree with your comment.

He intends to sell this shirt as merch at one of his shows? Then don’t worry, he won’t sell a single one. He cancels all his shows.

Isn’t Univision drug testing you people yet?