Good. Bye. Go away. Your movie reviews were as shit as your taste in movies (as appears to be the case with most movie “critics”).
Good. Bye. Go away. Your movie reviews were as shit as your taste in movies (as appears to be the case with most movie “critics”).
Does the story explain how his identity is a secret again? Is it due to Secret Wars? Is it just “magic”?
I don’t know. This guy had a pretty good run...
Maybe you shouldn’t be an actor anymore?
I encourage the wearing of clothing that enables people to see your pussy! I wear Balls Out Jeans on the reg!
Chess and golf aren’t sports either. They’re games. Skilled endeavors. One requires mental acumen, one requires a very specific physical skillset.
Because people can play video games without calling them “esports” and look at video game websites without calling the people who write the content “journalists”? Just my guess.
I’m curious. Why hasn’t Denton ordered Kotaku to run anti-Carson blog posts in the same way Deadspin (a sports-oriented blog) has?
Just remember: it’s not cheating if it’s in the ass!
It must be some sort of inside joke that whiteys don’t get.
You don’t expect a Gawker blogger to write about anything other than whatever the general majority of Millennials feels with their hearts to be the truth, do you? I mean, you shouldn’t expect any Gawker blogger to analyze any topic of an article with thought and consideration of the facts. Gawker is all about ‘the…
What about the over/under for “You’re just a fucking asshole, Pinkham”? Please, move back to New York.
Don’t like them? Don’t watch them.
But the gorilla can’t see Cena!
Uh...John Cena would destroy that monkey. cute. Not only are you a piece of shit, racist scum, you’re a fucking liar too! Keep it up Burneko!
Another great non-sports related Ben Carson attack blog post up on Deadspin. Go Gawker, go Gawker! Heil Denton! You all write his propaganda like good little hypocritical racists! Keep it up!
You never denied wanting to give a blow job to Biddle. No wonder you’re defending Gawker so vehemently. Hoping to get down to the dirty with a staff member! Good luck to you.
No need. I know what both words mean. You, on the other hand, apparently don’t...
Is Denton paying you, or are you just lobbying for a job with Gawker? Or perhaps you’re another who wants to fellate Biddle.