You forgot transgender.
You forgot transgender.
Someone is very correct.
You must be motherfuckin’ retarded. Motherfucker was said, and said plenty, long before this asshole ever got on television. Idiot.
I’m not the biggest Spider-Man fan, so whoever it is behind the mask isn’t that big a deal to me personally. However, we’re constantly reminded how critical these changes to established characters are for diversity’s sake, so I want to see that mantra proven right. This book better be a smash hit setting sales records…
That Miles Morales Spider-Man comic better be the best selling comic of all time. No excuses about it being set in some sort of alternate universe that doesn’t matter, it’s mainstream Marvel now. If replacing white versions of existing characters with non-white versions in the name of diversity is all you very vocal…
Awesome. I can’t wait for this. AND it’s a black superhero who is already black and doesn’t need to be a white superhero retconned as black.
You didn’t use a poundsign, so how can you claim to have done anything?!?!
Please tell me where this is going on. Please tell me what people...of any color...are defending this scumbag. I’m white, and I say fry this fucking motherfucker for all he’s worth. I don’t give a fuck what color he is. He’s a murdering piece of crap and should die. Please explain to me who is saying different?
You did not know what the numbers were you fucking liar. Go back to sucking NBA dick.
Jezebel has absolutely no problem tearing down women who don’t comply with their viewpoints. See all the Rachel Dolezal coverage for example.
You do know slavery existed in other cultures, long before the United States ever existed, and in those places even white people could be slaves? So yes, she could have been a slave.
You know what? Just because you’re a dude, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a pedicure just like your female counterparts.
Does it hurt to have your panties bunched up so tight Frances?
How nice to see a Jezebel blogger siding with a wealthy, middle-aged white guy on an issue instead of with a woman who is merely trying to live life the way she wants to despite the pressures of societal norms. BRAVO!
Here’s one for you.
There’s not much reason for Twitter to exist.
If you self-identify as white, then by all means go around saying you’re white. And you should be ashamed of yourself for not allowing this woman the same basic right.