
how much time would you like to add to the movie or take up of the movie's story to explain things that don't really need to be explained or cant be quickly touched on in the sequel on that was it needed for the film most everyone knows the general background of supes even non comic readers.

While the movie didn't have him just come out and say i am Clark i want to be a reporter point blank .. it did have him say that he needed a job to blend in and where people wouldn't question why he (Clark) was in a dangerous spot all the time...

ENCUMBER (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, 2002)

fyi I did notice that in Walmart's boxing day sale online flyer, at least in Nova Scotia, they are selling ps+ for $29.99. Dec 26 2013 only for the 1 day though...I plan on waking up early just to get one maybe two if they don't expire...