
Let me be the first comment to say, “this is fucked up.

The people who are sick of tiny airplane seats and have money will just upgrade to first class

“Uh yeah, hello airplanes? It's blimps. You win!"

“You don’t need masses of infrastructure like an airport or train line with an aircraft like this – all you need is a flat surface for landing,” she said. “It opens up lots of opportunities to connect places that aren’t currently connected, for example communities in places like the Highlands and Islands in

I find a business model of “we take 10x longer to get you there” questionable.

I feel like “Archer” already covered this pretty thoroughly. 

Maybe this shouldn’t be a school zone. Apparently a few thousand people who live in the area agree. We have this same issue where I live. The city converted an old office complex into a school, then turned a major road into a school zone.

“Because we should all be concerned about the safety of children, we shouldn’t have to remind motorists to slow down, that’s one number. And secondly, if drivers just obey the posted speed limits, they don’t have to worry about receiving a fine.”

IIRC insurance adjusters use mileage on the wrecked cars to estimate their value, so they must capture it somewhere.

Please. It’s a chiseled slab of a car.

Yeah nah.

what a desperately unnecessary article. it’s an ugly incoherent box, with the ugliest ass since the AC Cobra hardtop. there is nothing XKE about it, and certainly nothing that reflects all the sexiness that made Jaguar what it was.

it is ugly, it is stupid.

They both have four wheels.

I don’t know... The modern interpretation of the E type is the F type?

Mr. Golson, that concept has no curves which is what made the “E” what it was. Curves are what made all Jaguars visually what the are. It’s cold. It’s lines are abrupt. It’s corners and ends are sharp. Even taking that it’s still in it’s conception stage, it is visually the antithesis of everything that had always made

Perhaps not completely crazy but you’re straining really hard to make it seem that a brutalist design looks like what Enzo Ferrari is reported to have called the most beautiful car ever made. Both cars are fastback coupes with long hoods but proportions aren’t anything alike. The E Type is sinuous, with distinct

Yeah, I’ve never understood the point of a hunger strike.  The people being protested likely don’t care, and as you slowly starve they can simply say “we didn’t deny them food, they chose this for themselves.”

Nothing can beat whatever the f this is

Then it became the go-to car for incels, racists and people that just seem to hate everyone that doesn’t look and think just like the”

Man why do yall insist that tesla drivers are monsters. Most of them I know are just regular people who like the car. Some are left, some are right, some like Musk, some hate him. This