
I also don’t want to be chopped up by airplane propellers or sucked into a jet engine. So those need to be changed.

Now that i think about it, i don’t want to be chopped up by lawnmower blades or blenders.

There are tons of ways to get killed by machinery. All of these accidents are preventable. They all involve

Sure, they get paid a good chunk of money, but their jobs are crucial and they make a lot of people a lot more money than they’ll ever see.

Toilet paper wasn’t impacted by this. It would be more car imports.

I’m sure I’ll be skewered for this since this “car” blog and its commenters seem vehemently pro-union, but port automation can’t come soon enough. Initiating a strike when everyone’s already pissed about inflation and right after a major disaster devastated much of the southeast is just heartless greed, plain and

Guarantee that’s what happened. I see this all the time at an area where a highway crosses I-5 near my house and people just shoot across the gore point last minute because they’d rather almost kill someone than get off at the next exit and turn around.

Cutting across the highway’s gore — the triangular area separating the main highway from an exit — to pull over”

Ah, well, then, good luck with that lawsuit.  You’ll need it.

Bad drivers never miss their exit.

The damaged sign was removed, but for whatever reason the prongs that held it in place weren’t.

You can’t drive there, mate.

“Became lost while using his GPS"? I read that as "tried to cut across illegally after missing his exit"

The penalty in question is for Max saying his car was “f...ed” during the Baku press conference. There was no way to bleep that because it was a live press conference (see the tweet below).

No one is allowed to swear in a press conference on TV, grow up ya twat. 

Quitting cause they won’t let him cuss on TV.

How strange. I had something similar happen to me about 20 years ago. I bought a turbo timer for my MR2 and quickly realized I could set it for 10 mins, turn the car ‘off’ (still running, but I had removed the key) lock it, and run into a store to grab something and come out with time to spare.

One day I did this but

My thoughts as an owner:

so like did the car just go haywire or is this some kind of user error? I’m not a tesla fan but I’ve been around computers since the early 90s, and an EV is basically a computer with wheels which is scary given how many often computers brick themselves. I’ve also been around people who don’t know what they’re doing

This is why you keep the damn keycard in your wallet. If your phone dies, the keycard will let you in. But, no one reads instructions. 

First... good on her for getting the kid out.

If Sentry was not on, it would not automatically save the clip. It would just be in the normal one hour video loop that automatically gets deleted after the time expires.

Petty ass motherfuckers, all of them on both sides.