
People have already made these points, but removing the fares tends to lead people to treating the service with no respect and increases the amount of vagrants using it.
The amount of money saved for removing the fare collection is often said to be a contributing factor in going fare-free, but reading an article about

Seems his deciding to reverse there at the last moment really screwed some things.  Then, how many of these guys went on to run into the mess well after yellows and reds were being waved!?

To buy the firearm from a retailer you’d need to provide said impossible to procure ID, pass a background check, and complete the ATF form.

Just had to retest last week due to letting my license expire beyond the 6 month cutoff (wfh, in between cars, etc).
Chatted with the test instructor, who is a sheriff’s deputy, there was more chatter about his new motorcycle and dealing with his kids while everyone was stuck at home during Covid than anything else.

I find it a bit interesting that it’s presumably easy and intended for the viewer to dislike Brother Day and think more fondly of Zephyr Halima but like the aspect of their interaction you hit on her thinly vailed haughty derision and self-righteousness directed at Cleon is pretty well right in line with her more of

Yeah, couldn’t quite square “I can’t show anything” with “lets make secret love and here’s my genetic copies” either.


I went in 2012 and that was very well attended. If anything it seems like this year was even more so.
We took the shuttles from downtown to the main drop off in 12, did park and ride in 13, and did a mixture of the two this year. This year seemed to be a real struggle, particularly when leaving at the end of the day,

For whatever reason that comment reminded me I need to compliment my mother on how pretty she is more often.

Agree that the comment at the soccer game was inappropriate, and that we should compliment girls with more than comments on their appearance. I think that this particular instance was less about complimenting her on her beauty and more that it drew attention she should supposedly desire. I’d imagine that sort of

lol “I am weed”, classic.

Paloma was amazing!  It would be fantastic to have her as a recurring CIA buddy for Bond.

If Gal Gadot and Ana de Armas were in the next Bond together I might lose my mind.  Gal as Bond girl, Ana as Paloma, whoa buddy

Definitely feel the “written by an entire room of people who did not all make it through the movie’s completion and who were not all there from the beginning.”
Agree that Ana was awesome. I didn’t really need more of her character, but I think the movie definitely needed the bit of her that we got.  I’d love for her to

I really hope this comment makes it through Kinja hell, because I went ham on most of the Bond related stuff in the last week and 90% of my comments never did.
You are so spot on with most of your takes, I feel the same way.
If Danny wanted to nix this ending and was tossed out on Craig’s demands that it remain I

Not that Hollywood has any apatite for it but the West vs the China Russia duo is pretty much the next Bond struggle served on a silver platter. It’ll be a damn shame they ignore it.

Now playing

I’d agree that it’s hard to imagine you can cut through a car with those saw blades, but those helicopter saws are a real thing and make pretty good sense being in the movie since they’re clearing forest for running pipe through.

I don’t know.
QoS goes to Haiti, Bolivia, Austria, Siena, and another location in Italy I can’t recall.
Spectre and Skyfall do hit a few different spots but both suffer from too much London/UK. I’d argue Spectre mostly escapes/explores enough, but Skyfall not nearly enough.

Jack Bannon from Pennyworth

Tomorrow Never Dies’ Bond teams up with Chinese spy in a new era of Sino-Anglo cooperation to combat... media disinformation/information monopoly(!) had an incredibly short shelf life and is aging worse by the day.
Let’s celebrate 1997's beginning to 50 yrs of Hong Kong autonomy and freedom, oof.