
That teenagers are stupid, and instead of trying to deport immigrants, the White House should come up with a policy of deporting all teenagers.

The “justification” for an abortion is that the patient wants one, period. Your idea of what the “right reasons” (I can only imagine what those are in your worldview) for an abortion matter not one whit to anyone who is not you. Abortion is often PRECISELY for people who want to correct mistakes made in bed that

He may make up for it by having each half of his brain taking turns sleeping during the day.

Thank you. I’m going to start reading every Trump transcript like it’s Heather Graham and Julianne Moore having a coke fueled conversation in Boogie Nights.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

(unintelligible screaming)

Pet. Thread.

The macho posturing wastes everyone’s time.

Watch it again, the car comes into the motorcyclists lane.

The car was turning left but it’s not clear they were distracted by the... activity (I can’t call that “twerking”). The motorcycle was going pretty fast and the car probably didn’t realize how quickly the distance would close.

I think the car turned left, right into the bike, due to the ‘twerking,’ but I agree with everything else... especially the last part, though I tried to act as if I wanted her to stop filming.

That’s just where Jesus picked him up and carried him.

D.B. Pooper

Summary: “The blacks love me.”

But th e date

It’d be cool if Trump himself knew what he was going to say or do before he said or did it.

Trump is going to build a wall... to make a one bedroom into a 2 bedroom and make the Secret Service pay for it.

Low hanging fruit: