Kimberly Anne

Waiting for Frank Ocean is the musical equivalent of Waiting for Godot.

So I guess you could say he... 😎 took a piss in Ibiza?

“Calm down. If you are concerned about civil rights then you celebrate all the wins, not just the ones that concern people that look like you.”

I found the white feminist!! Missing the point, getting defensive over nothing, and brushing aside something relevant to POC (and presumably silencing one) all in one fell


“ people hoping Calvin Harris does a petty revenge song with Katy Perry”

Wait I am so into this idea.

1. Does this kid exclusively surround himself with terrible fucking people, or...?

So when I was ranting earlier about how his dad is an awful person too, the phase “The turd doesn’t fall far from the asshole,” came to me in a moment of pure rage-induced inspiration and I shall be using it in lieu of “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” henceforth.

Me, hitting play: Oh it can’t be that ba— Yikes. 😬

“This song was written by Iggy Azalea, Bebe Rexha, Lauren Christy, Lil Wayne, Louis Harden, Terius Gray, Brandon Salaam-Bailey, Marlon Barrow, Alexander Palmer, Michael Fonseca, Byron Thomas and Ryan Anthony Avilez. That’s 12 people.”

How have they only been together for a year?? It feels like it’s been an eternity.

I thought they were insufferable before but this really gives them that extra oompf.

Hate to be nit-picky, but the level names should be capitalized. (I.e. Cadettes instead of ‘cadettes’)

This sounds so much like my shitty (obviously abusive) ex that I half-wondered if it was him after reading the headline.

“But he got it back and continued to communicate with...”

Oh jeez, I saw the headline in my newsfeed and legitimately thought this was going to be an Onion article. 😟

Hold up, he’s a Floridian?

Can they just secede already? NOBODY would miss them and they can implode on their own. Win-win.

Ive already seen “What’s next? A white person playing Nelson Mandela??” To which my inner monologue said, “BYE.”

Whiny Racists™ can miss me with: “Why do they have to make characters different races? 😩”