
Bring the Levorg to the USA!

I love the Castlevania series. I even enjoyed their first foray into 3D. I do have to say though, that I thoroughly enjoyed the Lords of Darkness games. The gameplay has room to improve, but the artwork was phenomenal!

I think we are all on a Government watch list for watching this.

For some reason one of my feet usually come out of the paralysis first, so I usually end up shaking my foot progressively harder to wake up. Sometimes though, this can lead to full on kicking lol.

Beat me to it.

Looking at that whole list it is clear that money doesn't equal quality. In gameplay or technological aspects. Marketing is definitely the money pit here, and I work in Marketing! (Different industry though). That said I can't wait for Witcher 3!

Who would of thought that a sci-fi show would make me want to go to church? Especially with Clara!

Greatest line ever though, "I kick arse for the Lord!"

I was riding around on a motorcycle in Vice City one time when I accidentally dropped the controller, drove up a light pole, and stopped on top of it. I could never recreate it, but luckily I had witnesses so I know I didn't imagine it ha ha.

In Finland Santa is referred to as Joulupukki, which translates to Yule Buck/Goat. Well, at least that is what my old family members that were from Finland said. It may be different now.

I updated my desktop to be able to play BF4 with everything maxed out. It ended up being quite the handicap in multiplayer. There is just too much "stuff" on-screen that it makes it difficult to see opponents. I now play with a mix of low to ultra settings, which jumped my accuracy by about 2x.

QI that is.

When is IQ not fun? Love this show.

Agreed! I don't have the wagon, but I looooove my LGT.

A Toyota Corolla caught fire at my work yesterday while parked, but I don't see that article here.

There were some definitely cringe worthy science moments from this episode. That said, did I miss the explanation or is there a huge plot hole that there could potentially be tons of Chitari armor/weapons/body parts that people could have come in contact with that may have this virus? New York isn't exactly a small

Who the hell is interrupting my kung fu?!

Legacy GT. The luxury WRX.

No ill feelings from the 3D or anything like that. I was sore for a while from clenching my muscles for so long though ha ha.