What about a hybrid diesel. It is extremely cost prohibitive but if you mix a mild to moderate Hybrid with a Diesel you get the best of both worlds (regenerative braking and high highway fuel economy)
What about a hybrid diesel. It is extremely cost prohibitive but if you mix a mild to moderate Hybrid with a Diesel you get the best of both worlds (regenerative braking and high highway fuel economy)
Have you ever tried to steer a RR in a low traction situation. It has gobs of under-steer plowage. Additionally if you have a short car with the mass centralization in the rear and you really want to stop the car has a tendency to 180 not to mention that in a front end collision the engine and transaxle want to ram…
They should go down to their local occupy movement and protest that they didn't get their iPhones. Hopefully they get teargassed and maybe that will motivate them to do what everybody else does and go work for it.
Are several factors that are not being told here. First any rotating mass should be balanced to to keep form going kablooey. I am sure Ford balanced the shaft prior to it being installed in the car, was it balanced to the precise level needed to spin at about 3.8x (I'm guessing its got about a 3.8:1 rear) whatever the…
The three things that are made in the US and sold around the world. Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.
So I went out camping this weekend in an Oak Hammock with a lot of leaf litter on the ground. At night with a flashlight my friend says why is this soil reflective almost glassy. You could see about every 12"-24" a reflective spot in the litter. I said I don't know and I took the light to see what one of the…
I'm in Florida, they have all already been pimped/donked out. Sorry.
Also the most American made car today.
That is probably a Soviet Era Russian tractor with a lot less steel than it's American counterpart.
Is it okay to make fun of people with OCD?
Living in South Florida I know this house wouldn't last. First, I know it couldn't withstand the 140 MPH sustained wind that our building codes require and second (besides the lack of insulation) the wood framing around those glass doors would swell to twice their normal size with the first bout of 90% humidity on a…
Lovely city? When someone starts pressure washing those subway stations we'll talk.
Is that an arresting hook for carrier landings?
The bigger question here is why is an Austrian casino dealing in dollars? Shouldn't they be using Euro's or is the Euro so bad now that they are using dollars.
As are 95% of VW's. My point was that it LOOKS manly, I stated nothing about quality and power.
But the real question is are you sponge worthy?
It looks like genital warts.... uhhhhhh.... not that I would know.
There is foam filled wheel barrow tires, well worth the extra $$.
"the company that makes Zanifil, is also making a topical spray that helps delay ejaculation"
Matt, where did this happen? Because if it was Florida you would say that explains why, but when it happens in New York (or wherever it actually happened) there is no citation of location.