
My 2nd Gen Nissan Frontier nearing 100,000 Miles. The only 3 things Nissan paint is the shittiest material on earth, Nissans primer is the second shittiest material on earth and Nissan can't figure out how to make a fuel gauge work on this truck. After filling up it reads empty for the first 1/4 tank and reads an 1/8

No Fords have pretty crappie electrical systems now also, particularly any of the ones that say PowerStroke on the side.

Safety is an issue and I doubt any scrap metal yard has personnel trained to go down in tunnels and torch apart a giant piece of equipment and bring it to the surface. Additionally if you read the article it costs several million dollars more to remove it than it is worth in scrap.

"you probably won't like hearing that the receivers of yesteryear produce comparable sound."

Columbia River Knife (CRKT's) are great too.

Beige vs Beige, nobody wins, nobody cares.

That would never be allowed in the US because of the ADA. Every doorway, hallway, ect has to be wide enough to fit a wheelchair through. I understand the ADA for public and communal areas but dammit if I want to make my doorways 28" wide in my house I should be allowed to. I'm not a crippple. (yes I know that term is

So if I Purelle my hands before a DUI stop I would point (because we are no longer blowing) a 12.03% BAC?

I have a suggestion for the people bitching about wind farms causing headaches, "GET A F**KING JOB." That is what causes my daily headaches and you don't see me running off to the doctors.

Actually the sportage looks better.

That's exactly what did happen but I was replying to @negitoro's post.

I just really wanted to use titty implant in a post.

Planes are faster and not that much more expensive. Plus you would still have to deal with the TSA to board a train after some stupid titty implant bomber tries to light the fuse on his or her nips.

If there was a power failure both trains would stop because neither of them would have the power to propel them forward.

Is he verified?

Yeah but Bubba the Love Sponge was shocking the balls and shocking the puss before Ellis.

I think Ford and GM both need to compete with Toyota and Nissan not each other.

It's actually Chinese children. The women build iPhones.

Does the Mail app work with MS Exchange Server 03?

Beg her for a $1200 dollar system then settle for the $530 Klipsch after days of wining. The price becomes relative and it will go over better.