
@schall129: Yes but the UPS store is a licensee (franchisee) of UPS. UPS can and will pull a license for bad customer relations in a franchised store.

There is one flaw with these comparisons. For example, the Carolla was once the smallest car in the toyota lineup. That has now been replaced by the Yaris. The company is getting wider in its lineup and marketing decides that the econobox gets the new name and the now more profitable mid-size keeps the name people

@Cochese 2.0: Not to mention using your rectum as a storage device for an explosive. I hate to see what the procedure would be after someone gets past security with something like that.

Infiniti M45, that 4.5 is an incredibly powerful engine. Yeah, a sedan with a 7 speed slush box but the thing still hauled ass.

@grimjack28: So thats why they are good at sports.

@anexanhume: The article said the handset hardware wouldn't be ready till the middle of next year.

Bro... the G35 is a Skyline in Japan.

Yes, Americans talk on their phones, eat while driving and don't have time to workout because we are actually WORKING. Italy gets the month of August off and almost 30 days a year in vacation time. I'm putting in 40+ hours per week and going to college at night so forgive me actually doing shit.

@michael: No, I'm speaking of society as a whole. Which is what I believe you were speaking of in your first post.

@emy1: Yes, our school zones are 20 mph's though.

@Stupiderthanthou: Um, that would just cause even more people to drive without a license.

@Star Vixen: I don't ever know of a time when people just did the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

I didn't know insulin was a treatment for foot and mouth disease.

The Chinese government is so concerned that what people see on the internet may harm them yet no one gets killed in car crashes. We should send Ralph Nader over there.

@SkipErnst: Um, an intersection with no signage? I probably wouldn't pay attention to an intersection that I didn't know was there either.

@siwex80: A little history lesson for you. This country was founded by traitors. Only we call them our founding fathers.

@ps61318: People thought what the Revolutionaries (Sam Adams, George Washington, James Madison etc..) did was indefensible. Others thought what Martin Luther King Jr did was also indefensible. Sometimes we need people to stand up for what they believe is right so that the rest of us can live free regardless of what

I though they were imprisoning him for being openly gay lip syncing Lady Gaga.

@Kangaru: South Florida, we really don't have a serious rust problem due to the fact that we don't have a need to salt roads and the rain we do receive comes off the ocean (not as acid). Nevertheless, Wranglers do hold their value very well down here i'm guessing because of the long dry season Nov - May and wealthy