
If they are dead, they will be a pile of bones on the Nemesis screen. If they are defeated, their body will be laying on the ground.

That is some UGLY hardware.

You forget his awesome portrayal of Elliot Wilhelm, the gay, Samoan bodyguard from "Be Cool". He was awesome in that movie (and arguably the best part of it).

Does it really matter? It's not like the role of Link could literally be filled with any other androgynously elfish character with some feminine man grunts. Link himself has had like 5 different versions over the years, some claim they aren't even the same person.

Isn't this exactly what Sony not only denounced Microsoft in their digital only attempts but also claimed they'd never support? I remember that little bullshit commercial with the CEO holding a disc claiming Sony would always be disc based.

2.7 million copies sold for a PC exclusive expansion is a smash fucking hit. PC games NEVER sell that much any more. Not even close.

Based on my beta experiences, the game is barely average at best. It suffers from the worst "consolitis" and it is painfully clear it was made for consoles and the PC crowd are just the beta test. It is boring, the story, if any, is immediately forgettable, the combat is tedious, and other than names and places it

You know, I hear a lot of people saying this looks exactly like WoW or that it is a WoW clone, and based on that video alone, I have to say they are 100% correct. It honestly looks like a WoW mod.

This guy is such a fucking tool. I want to slap that mouth cancer ball right out of his stupid mouth.

Exactly what I thought. You are the problem with gamers these days.

Not at all, I own both the PS4 and the Xbox One, but I actually own them and have plenty of play time under my belt and almost nothing you said is at all true and just regurgitated bullshit you've read on internet forums.

Let me guess, you don't own an Xbox One and are regurgitating shit you've read on the internet.

Because the WiiU version only sold 80,000 copies and assuming the industry estimates of "10-15% of game owners buy DLC", they'll maybe sell 5000 copies of the DLC. It would cost them far more to make the WiiU DLC than they would ever make selling it, and they do what they do to make a profit, not cater to gamers.

Now playing

I know you won't, but watch this and tell me if you don't feel like a douche.

He's acting. How can you not grasp that? Francis is a pretend stereotype of gamers and gaming cliches. It isn't his real voice, his real personality, or his real anger.

Can we get someone who isn't a complete dumbass to give us a video next time, please? This commentary and gameplay was brutally annoying.

The statue is nice, but the face is WAY off and completely ruins the final product. I mean it isn't even remotely close. The jawline is wrong, lips are WAY to big (unless she got lip injections on the island), and she is clearly (and sadly) Asian.

I guess you miss the irony here, but his Francis character is a send-up of dipshits like you. YOU are Francis.

This should be a wake-up call to publishers. STOP RUSHING YOUR GAMES TO MARKET!

Seriously? You are talking realism in a game where you jump 60 feet into a pile of straw and hop out completely unharmed.