
Unsurprisingly it adds nothing at all to the game and actually makes it worse. I've got 30 hours in AC4 and never once have I ever thought "I need WAAAAAAAY more smoke". It's already bad enough as it is in some ship battles.

I am absolutely in love with the voice commands on the Xbox One. Before using them, I assumed it would be a gimmicky mess, but they work almost flawlessly for me. I love walking into my man room and say "Xbox on" as the camera recognizes my face and logs me in automatically followed by "Xbox go to Dead Rising 3"

The only issue we have with it is you have to make one extra step after joining a party and connect to the party chat itself. I hate that you have to do that extra step, but maybe that's what your are experiencing.

Yeah, those two dozen 3D Blu-rays that are available REALLY need to be played. 3D is a joke and is a dead trend.

What are you talking about?

Every Google search, every Facebook post, every Kotaku post, every Tweet, every email, every cell phone, every every fucking thing is tracked, logged, data-mined, and observed. Trust me, the fucking NSA doesn't give a flying fuck what you and your kids are doing on a Friday night on your Xbox and there isn't a staff

You are a fucking idiot. It is clear you don't have any idea what the console does. It does everything a PS4 does PLUS it does a hell of a lot more if you choose to use those features. I'd bet you have an old CRT TV and use your TV speaker for game sound, thus your surround sound comment is just typical, ignorant

What do you mean there is no refund? There is always a refund on unopened software. Please stop spreading misinformation.

Let's cherry pick some more shall we? Knack is probably the closest comparison to Ryse. They are both essentially new IP's meant as tech demos and launch titles. Why not post some reviews of Knack? Oh, that's right, if you did your self-entitled "I knew it" bullshit would be even more meaningless.

No, it isn't a "manifestation of their differences in power" at all. It is a manifestation of how select developers chose to utilize the hardware at launch. Next year, PS4 and Xbone games will all be running 1080p and 60FPS and these childish and caddy arguments and fanboy bullshit will be an embarrassing memory.

Yeah it doesn't look "so much better". It is a slightly noticeable improvement, but Kotaku thinks the PS4 is the second coming or something.

You are an idiot. Swap Force is a fantastic game. looks exactly the fucking same. Why even bother posting stuff like this if it doesn't showcase what the PS4 is capable of?

Microsoft has already stated dozens of times that everything you can do with voice commands you can also do with a controller, but why would you choose to be an elitist douchebag and not take advantage of an awesome feature?

It's a character. He is acting.

They both need a cheeseburger or something.

Again, clueless gamers are so fucking annoying. Try harder next time or at least educate yourself.

200 cars is more than enough. Sure GT6 has 1100+ cars, but a vast majority of them are such minor, incremental upgrades over previous years they lose their uniqueness very quickly. Do I really need 50 different Celica models? No, I want the 5-6 Celica's that were marked improvements in the line.

That white controller is quite sexy.