
Some of the most enjoyable, memorable times in my life have been waiting in lines at PAX or E3.

So, unplug it FFS. It is a useless piece of hardware anyway. The cons of the thing outweigh the pros by a fucking country mile.

This isn't a "feature". This is stupid.

Nope. Not even fucking close. At all.

Video games aren't fucking real. At all. The are fiction. Fiction. Not real. It is a bunch of 1's and 0's arranged in such a way to provide fictional entertainment to those that enjoy it.

Calm the fuck down ladies. Of course Valve is making Half-life 3. Them filing a trademark for it is about as exciting as watching paint dry. It isn't the Holy Grail of franchises. It isn't going to be the best game ever made, but I am sure it will be great (assuming they avoid padding the game with atrocious

The fog and all that other shit actually makes it look worse. It is the new light bloom.

A: This Adrian Chmielarz isn't even a developer anymore. Who gives a shit what he claims?

So 24/7 American Ninja Warrior and Cops reruns? Why bother?

What's with Kotaju's hard-on for the bottom feeder news on the Xbone?

The WiiU failed because of the name, horrible marketing, consumer confusion (especially parents), wretched multiplayer support, and lack of quality titles. Nintendo's own initial sales projections were predicting 20 million consoles sold by the end of this year. They have sold 3 million WORLDWIDE to date.

That is easily the worst looking game, even in an alpha state, that I have seen in the last 10 years. There is no fucking way any sane person legitimately gave them money based on that demo.

I ran mine is a DOS emulator and it worked great.

The original Wasteland was the game that essentially got me hooked on gaming. It almost single-handedly started my lifelong gaming hobby.

The name has EVERYTHING to do with the failure of the WiiU. Most consumers (especially parents) don't see it as a new console. They see it as an accessory, and ultimately see it as unnecessary.

I always thought Bungie was a one-trick-pony with Halo, but this looks like it could be the greatest video game ever made. Borderlands meets Mass Effect meets Halo. Fucking take my money now.

Come back, sure, but leave that pretentious, self-entitled twat of a personality behind.

It isn't a $100 premium. It is part of the system and the price. They are one in the same.

Wait, you aren't going to buy one because it includes an accessory which you literally never have to use if you don't want? Really?

You must be new to reading. She said they would all be the "future of business".