
How sad is the world we live in today where you can mow down hundreds of police officers and federal agents in a mass murder rampage in a pretend video game, but if your character smokes a harmless plant in the same game, the entire world loses their minds.

MMO's don't belong on consoles in the first place. FFIV disastrous initial launch was due in large part to the "consolification" of the game.

Is that a joke? On the internet?

As a white person, I think it is a stupid, annoying commercial but certainly not a racist one.

Did you read the rest of the comments here?

And you'll be forever tethered to the abomination of shovelware garbage that is the Google Play store.

Awesome. Exactly what no one wants.

Ah, okay so the interface matches your chosen controller. Nice!

I love Deadpool. He is one of the most cleverly written characters in comic books. I love his juvenile, childish, irreverent sense of humor.

In the video, I see 360 buttons referenced in the interface. Is this coming to 360? I think I would enjoy it much more as a console experience.

This is a rental at best.

Child of Eden, Dance Central, Gunstringer, Double Fine Happy Action Theater, Dragon Ball Z Kinect, and UFC Personal Trainer are all excellent examples of Kinect games done (mostly) right. Now, it is subjective with your use of "core" (which is about as generic and meaningless of a term as you can use), but I would

I think you have the Kinect confused with the Move.

What fucking "deal" are you talking about?

Really? You don't understand why? Seriously?

To all you hopelessly bitter Sony fanboys using this, of all things, to perpetuate your immature and pointless "Calvin pissing on a Ford logo" blind brand loyalty: just stop.

If you rape and murder a child, you aren't human.

90% of all death row inmates in the US are religious, a VAST majority of them being Christian. 100x more deaths have occurred in the name of religion in recorded history than all wars combined worldwide.

While I enjoyed the game up until I completed the story and hit level 30, the entire thing comes to a screeching halt immediately after. The max level is 60, yet you'll beat the entire storyline at 30. All that is left is to do daily quests (killing the same bosses over and over and over) or mediocre PvP. You could

That was.....kinda lame.