I agree. It looks awful.
I agree. It looks awful.
I never understood why parents are like this these days. She's pandering to him and letting him run the show here.
Add to that the sensor bar (which isn't included). If you no longer have a Wii or never owned one, you'll fork out another $200 for Wii motes and nunchuks. Also, really Nintendo? 8GB drive? Really?
Spoiler alert: it isn't real.
How about their massive flop of a PS3 branded 3D TV. Maybe the PSP Go? Oh, well how about Move?
Here's the best part. It will be horribly overpriced, will be supported by a mere handful of games and will most likely be a subpar device compared to the competition.
It never got as big as Halo because it was a generic shooter with terrible controls, average at best story, and rather boring multiplayer. Sony was trying way too hard to make their own Halo on the PS3 and it failed, pure and simple.
EA isn't evil directly per se, but they are 100% dictated by the shareholders and therefore are at the mercy of those who have money at stake. Money is, as they say, the root of all evils. EA solely cares about the bottom line, quarterly profit reports and immediate revenue. Anything that doesn't make money is either…
So wait, the hundreds of hours you spent collecting gear is now negated with standardized gear and you get to go back and play the same, old, tired content all over again? Please tell me people aren't excited about this? This sounds like an April Fools joke.
I have four kids. Taking a dump is about the only reliable quiet time I get, so my morning, uh, activities in the bathroom have gradually taken longer and longer. I now have a solid 30 minutes of quiet gaming time.
I never understood these extreme gaming keyboards. They are almost always ugly as hell, gimmicky and overpriced.
No. Not at all. It would become a watered-down generic shooter with a gimmick if it were online. They need to leave that franchise alone and never make another one honestly. They are going to ruin it no matter what. The first game should be the only game.
As I was watching the video, I was thinking this was a portable game. It looks awful. This is a full PC game? Not some browser game? If so, it looks like it is going to be a disaster.
Yeah, it looks terrible unfortunately.
I got stressed out watching that gameplay video. There is no way I am going to shit n' game on my iPad in the morning with something that stressful looking.
That's my point. This isn't any different than internet porn. It isn't a game at all. It is just an unnecessary gimmick to deliver porn. Steam is for games. This is porn, ergo, it doesn't belong on Steam.
The removal of "Seduce Me" does not in any way "affirm the view of gaming as a childish pursuit.". At all. Frankly, it is insulting to every other indie developer out there making beautiful, fun, inspired, creative games.
He wasn't being literal.
For FAR less than $300,000, you could hire a master sculptor to recreate the trophy in bronze and gold plate perfectly. You are already buying a trophy you didn't earn, why not save a shitload of money doing so.
You should watch it today. Do not wait. It is a fantastic movie.