Oh, hey, Kotaku. What's this? Oh hell yes. Let me get comfortable here.
Best. Video Game Company Logo. Ever.
Ubisoft's ridiculous DRM only really hurt legitimate purchasers of their PC games. The DRM was cracked every time BEFORE the games even hit retail shelves. The people that had all of the major issues with their draconian DRM paid money for their games. Consumers don't forget that type of treatment. I am not saying…
Bendis has some solid story telling going on, but his dialog is borderline terrible. I really liked Secret Invasion, but man that had some horrible dialog.
Yeah, Spiderman is basically over for me. I am not a fan of the "new" Spiderman nor am I a fan of the "coolness" they gave Miles Morales in Ultimate. While Peter Parker embraced his powers and his responsibilities, Morales hates his powers and only starts wearing the Spiderman costume to look cool.....even when people…
Never buy an entire console for just one game. Ever. You'll ALWAYS be disappointed, no matter the game.
Way to take a massive shit all over Westwood Studio's legacy, EA. Fuck you.
The title of this post is kind of a "no shit" moment. She's saying that the better you get at something, the more you get out of it. Doesn't that apply to 100% of everything?
I almost always try and play my RPG's as close to my moral compass as possible. I have literally spent 20-30 minutes staring at a moral choice in a video game pondering the weight of my options.
Great music doesn't need anything but the music itself to sell it. Period. You don't have to pander to your label's stupid marketing requests or tie in with Angry Birds if your music is great.
I agree. They have been on a steady decline in terms of both music and image since the end of the 90's.
When you are charging full retail price for a "streaming" game that has horrible performance and lags every two seconds it is really no surprise that your service failed miserably. Hell, Onlive was charging full retail price for games I could get at a brick and mortar store for a third of the price new.
I sort of agree with what he is saying. Many Japanese games have horribly, convoluted, insane stories that often times make no sense to us 'mericans. I have always just considered Japan is a different culture with different histories and something is just getting lost in the translation to be cliche.
Blizzard sure knows how to make an amazing, beautiful CG trailer. They REALLY need to make a feature-length movie.
Making this game as a Wii exclusive was a stupid. I don't care how good the game is, releasing a Wii exclusive now is just begging for failure.
Way to take a massive shit all over Westwood Studio's legacy, EA. Fuck you.
At least Telltale did The Walking Dead mostly right. Saying that a Facebook game based on ANY major franchise is crappy is like saying getting punched in the balls shit. Facebook is a platform for shit games. That's it.
Do Minecraft players actually give a shit about player skins? I'd think that would be the absolute last thing they'd be concerned with. It would be different if they weren't so, well Minecrafty, but making blurred, pixelated version of mostly generic video game characters that you need a list to figure out who they…
Yeah I REALLY enjoyed this game. After upgrading everything and maxing out my training I was able to turn on some of the modifiers and really make it a challenge. I, too, finished it in around 5 hours. Not bad at all for the price tag.