Clearly it takes very little to make Battlefield 3 more entertaining.
Clearly it takes very little to make Battlefield 3 more entertaining.
Perhaps you should stop acting like a self-entitled, spoiled child that thinks just because they want something, they should have it no matter what.
No thank you.
Simply having an opinion that differs from yours does not make one ignorant.
Did you read the little paragraph up there in Luke's post?
Fix the kid's mouse sensitivity FFS.
HAHA yeah. When I first heard his real voice I was a little wierded out.
No, in order to get the FULL EXTENT, you have to download 600+mb.
Here's the neat thing about DLC. YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING BUY IT!
2005 called they want their shitty Chuck Norris jokes back.
Great post.
For me my favorites are FFVI, FFVII, FFX, FF Tactics and FFIX in that order. I have beaten them all except for FFX-2 and FFXIII, even the Gameboy ones (which were also great).
No, shipped and sold are two totally different things and mean two totally different things to retailers, distributors and educated consumers.
You could drive your ass to the store and buy it or you could whine and troll some more.
Give me a fucking break. So some jackwad found some assets on the disk that may or may not be 1)complete or 2)the actual DLC character.
Nope, I tried the Xoom....nice but hated the Android market. I have also had a couple of tablet PC netbooks that were average at best. The iPad is fast and responsive, has a great battery life, outstanding app support and is portable enough to not be inconvenient.
To be fair, I have given the Mac a try a few times, but I use my PC mainly for gaming and specifically Steam gaming. Macs just don't fit in with my usage, at home or at the office. I am not knocking it (it may have seemed like it from my comment, but I was being overly silly). It just isn't for me.
I was 100% anti-Apple and especially anti-iPad. Then two years ago my best friend bought me an iPad as a gift, knowing that I would never buy one.
Wait, they are hyping it because it has more than 512mb of RAM and a better than 1080p resolution over a 7 year old device? This must be the best "no shit" moment of the year so far.
Good point.