
Also, if you had actually read the article above, you would have read this bit: "Tali's newly-revealed face seems to be a modified version of a stock image by photographer Matthew Leete, which is freely available for commercial use to anybody with a Getty Images account."

Are you fucking serious? Do you even have the slightest concept of how much work goes into a patch, especially a multi-platform patch? Do you seriously, and I mean seriously, think they need to patch the game and replace a tiny picture in your living quarters that you'll MAYBE look at once and never again that has

She's pretty hot. I am glad I sexed her up in ME2.

A. There is nothing elf-like in that picture. If she had pointy ears maybe..... B. Chances are it would have been taken on her home planet before it was destroyed where she didn't need a suit to keep her alive.

You don't have to settle for default at all. I chose to. There are two options on the import results screen. Customize face or Default Face. You can remake your character anyway you like, including recreating your character exactly how you had it.

Actually, no. It is a blog. They can talk about whatever the fuck they want. If you don't like it, go to Kotaku Core or stop coming here.

A few hundred out of at least one million is rare. It is a minor, little, inconvenient issue at best.

My old face didn't import correctly. I picked default Shepard and clicked play. Took me all of 5 seconds.

Yet every other internet tool LOVES to bring it up. It isn't broken, your custom face on rare occasion may not import properly. Simply remake it however you like and move on.

There is and always has been a basic LFG tool. Just because you don't know how to or choose not to use it is another thing.

Nice earrings Hector HAHA.

Oh, give me a fucking break. Like ANYONE that actually buys Girl Fight is going to be playing it for the deep back-stories and character development.

Yes, the Kinect comes with a separate power adapter and USB plug for older 360 systems.

John Romero is a legend in the gaming world as far as I'm concerned. Anyone who hates on him is ignorant. He did some groundbreaking things back in the day that became gaming standards for years and years.

They have (or had) somewhere around 5000 employees. Trimming the fat of 600 of them isn't THAT huge of a deal. Most were probably admin staff or support staff.

You do realize that the game has been finished for weeks now? It has been off in manufacturing, packaging and shipping. The dev team now has dozens of people freed up to prep for support, squash any last little bugs and work on marketing and promotions like WEAPON SKIN BUNDLES. Also, EA pays Razor and other

Give me a break. They aren't "withholding" anything from the game. They aren't making any money off a code bundled with a keyboard or a headset. It is called marketing. Get your product's name out there and in front of as many people as possible.

Yes. It is. This guy does videos like this all the time.

Actually the ending was more "oh shit I have been manipulated the entire time to open this vault which I was promised contained massive amounts of loot and instead contained an alien prison that released a creature hell-bent on planetary destruction and the Eridians were actually trying to stop me not because they

I think you missed the entire point of the game if you didn't think it had an ending.