Ezio is one of my all time favorite characters. This looks like it could be amazing.
Ezio is one of my all time favorite characters. This looks like it could be amazing.
Ezio, Dom, John Marston.
Bullshit. There's no destructible buildings/terrain in Modern Warfare.
If you can't take a shit while using it comfortably, it isn't portable. That is the litmus test.
I am going to be completely honest here. To me, that was as good if not better than watching porn.
Texas has a huge number of incentives and tax breaks for "entertainment" companies that open up in Texas. Austin is known as "silicon hills" as it is one of the most tech/game developer heavy cities in America. There a dozens of game companies in Texas.
HAHAHAHA holy shit that is fucking perfect.
And a flipped-up collar.
He looks he he just said "Hey sexy boy, you want happy fun time?"
I think you might have gotten a little sand in your vagina.
EA brought in the basic concept and some initial art and turned Westwood loose. Fun fact: the ships were designed by the same guy that designed the ships for The Phantom menace. Our top guys on the project were a mix of EA and Westwood producers, but all of the development was done in-house at Westwood all the way…
That trailer doesn't make me want to play the game at all. In fact, it makes me want to take a nap.
I enjoyed the case work and the story, sure, but there was far too much of the boring bits for me.
I felt the same way about GTA4. I never finished it because you'd drive for 20 minutes, do a 2 minute mission, and drive back another 20 minutes. Rinse and repeat. Where is the fun in that?
I found L.A. Noire to be extremely boring. The driving portions were so damn tedious, I'd fall asleep playing. What does that say about your game when people fall asleep playing it?
Perhaps they shouldn't have called it XCom. That is going to be the deal breaker for this game. They could call it any other name possible, but by calling it XCom, they are automatically opening themselves up to massive criticism. They are using the XCom name for brand recognition, but it will backfire.
Great write up. As a former Westwood Studios employee and witness to the final day of the doors being locked forever, I appreciate someone remembering and praising the work that Westwood Studios was so proud of. I'll never forget the day we all got called into the motion capture studio to be told that Westwood was…
"Earth and Beyond was pretty much fully developed before EA got their hands on Westwood."
As long as this type of stuff remains OPTIONAL and does not give advantages or interjects balance issues, I am perfectly fine with it. I have bought a few pointless, visual DLC things before, but they served no purpose in game other than looking cool.
Assuming you don't need a monitor or speakers, you could be top of the line and future-proofed for $800-1000. That's SLi (or Crossfire) included.