
Not to point out the obvious, but if you had read Totilo's post up there you would have read this: "(One of the problems, sadly, is that Reply Notifications and comment-expansion preferences are both off-line now, but they will be coming back this week or next.)"

@kratos_hates_everyone: I have two actually. I use the Turtle Beach X41 if I am playing online or chatting online with people on the 360.

I am pretty lucky with my gaming time. My kids are in bed at 8 and my wife and I usually watch some DVRed TV shows or a movie and she is in bed by 9 or 9:30. I then have all the time I want to play. Coupled with the fact that I only need around 6 hours of sleep a night, I get in a few hours a night if I am so

This looks amazingly awesome.

@Zidago: No. No it cannot. At all.

Every religion is a joke and they are all hyper sensitive about the slightest little criticism. That's because they know they are playing make believe every Sunday.

That is pretty fucking amazing. I got goose bumps at that guys results at the end.

This would have been great had I not played the Bulletstorm demo first.


EA would make games that play on your dead grandmother if they could.

I wasn't really interested in this before the news broke yesterday, but this is looking like one sexy, feature packed device.

@realityengine: I am 38 and watch it any time it is on. I have 4 kids so I can use them as my shame shield. I do it for the kids, man.

@MrFinley: New episodes air primetime on Monday. It isn't an Adult Swim show, but it is a pretty mature show sometimes.

Now playing

I fucking LOVE Adventure Time. Of all the work John Di Maggio has done, Marcus Fenix and Bender included, Jake is the the best character he does by far.

@jace53: Alan Wake is a rental for sure. Gamefly is your friend.