
Fuck yourself, bigot.

You are terrible at logic.

Classic gun nut defense (not making assumptions about you, but it is what it is). You don’t know the exact terminology so your whole viewpoint is invalid! I’ve seen these things go round and round because a very reasonable viewpoint is waved away by the gun crowd because the person making it does not know exact model

“its ILLEGAL in all 50 states to own a full automatic weapon without EXCESSIVE licensing”

America, beware of the double dil- Ditto! Double Ditto!

Oh yeah you are totally right. Nintendo is only responsible when things go great.

You can be whatever you want when you grow up,” without lying

Glad I could impress you.

But it doesn’t also need to reinforce the notion that women HAVE to be sexy, men can never be sexy, and that’s the law of the universe.

No, I’m absolutely serious about my questions, especially the first. Do you think Clinton is proud to have such xenophobic supporters?

Yeah, that Clinton’s supporters exhibit the same kind of nationalism as Trump’s do, just pointed north instead of south. Rather telling, really, that they’re so mad that a filthy foreigner dares to speak up.

Who should I vote for tomorrow, please! It’s important, I’m going to caucus with my family and I should know which candidate I need to support. If not then, then at least in the general. Surely you must have this information.

Which candidate I don’t stand for am I required to vote for in order to escape this pall of privilege?

The lesser of two evils is still evil. I’ve never voted for a candidate I didn’t support and I’m not sure why you think anyone should do that aside from having bought into the rhetoric of fear.

And we can keep pressure on her throughout her presidency to come through with her campaign promises.

Apparently choosing to not vote for a candidate that doesn’t represent ones’ interests is now a privilege.

Have you ever seen how people in America react to games in which people get shot in the face, and those in which you see naked boobies?

My entire career is comics and telling comic stories. It’s how I make a living. It’s a very ingrained part of my life, and you bet heroes like Superman and Batman shaped my life. As an immigrant, I related to Superman intimately, trying to fit in, trying to be “normal” when I didn’t look or sound like everyone else.

Actually, the image speaks to the absurdity of the so called “facts” he speaks. Because they are not facts at all. They are fantasy, pure and simple. No one is getting arrested for expressing libertarian beleifs. That’s absurd. A bunch of so called libertarians held up a government building at gunpoint for weeks and
