
That’s hypocritical nonsense, though. The whole term “SJW” is hypocritical nonsense, because what does that make the person complaining about it?

Yeah! Fuck marvel for wanting the rights to their characters back after fox butchered xmen movies. How dare they do something to change that... Fuck Marvel!!! In fact just get rid of the marvel characters altogether in this game because marvel sucks so much... Just make is Capcom vs Capcom and marvel can go back to

Yaaaaay! This is my favorite thing Jezebel does all year. In case anyone else is like me and can’t get enough of these stories, I posted these links before, and am reposting for posterity:

Yeah thats totally why they’re doing it. Valve is so desperate for money they’re banning people from playing CSGO to get more money. You should be a detective.

“Progressives are intolerant” is the lazy thing that people do because they know it’s as galling as calling conservatives racist (sexist, bigoted, etc.)

So yeah, definitely spotted the attempted guilting.

I am neither tolerant, nor accepting, so I have no problem calling you a fucking moron.

definitely the same thing.

Did you...I mean...did you READ the article?

Oh fuck off.

The “double” horror genre is the scariest kind of horror genre.

I suspect much more likely a call in which marketing folks are being congratulated because the subtle inference worked to bring a lot more buzz to an upcoming announcement- whatever that announcement may be.

The multiplayer entirely undermines this message.

Like, $40-$60 on Ebay, currently.
“What cost $199 in 1986 would cost $433.64 in 2015.” According to an online inflation calculator. So... the price dropped maybe 95% and then increased an extra %15-20 due to rarity of that specific item stuck in time, but the technology itself is, like, 4 cents worth of tech and

I’m glad we didn’t follow that same logic when HD TV and Bluray first came out. “Early-adopter” is a code word for people who don’t mind ludicrously overpaying to test out incomplete technology, and will be more than happy to buy it again in 3 years once their launch technology is outdated and inadequate. You’ll

Regarding longer content i agree with Ka mai, best it’s episodes or split up in other way where you can jump in and out (and continue nicely where you left off) after shorter sessions.

Because motion controls weren’t enough by themselves, Vive takes motion controls to the next level with true 1:1 motion control, and head tracking, in a world that feels like you’re actually in it. If you actually owned a Vive and got to try a fair amount of the games you wouldn’t be saying this.

Episode 2 was Fall 2007, so 9 years. I’m still furious about how the series was abandoned after all that promising of NOT making their fans wait this time but after playing The Lab, I finally forgave them.

Watched his vid yesterday and can’t say I agree with his arguments. Half of his reasoning was that people need to move around to use it.. Sterling had surgery and can’t move to much. It’s true that that kind of inhibits his gaming experience for VR but using that as the reason for why it won’t get popular is idiotic

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.

Members of the Secret Service are also known to take Columbian hookers very seriously. Not to pay them, necessarily, but to seriously take them.