
Sometimes you gotta jerk some DONGS onto the green monster. ARod would understand

Poor Olden days. Had no TVs

The Heat started 11-30. But after turning it around they’re 40-41. A 29-11 team isnt all that butt!

Considering their record after their abysmal start they are the opposite of butt.

I am a Lakers fan and Paul George is certainly not going to make us contenders. If in 4-5 years Ingram becomes an all star and whoever we have left plays like talented young vets. But I’m not a believer in throwing together multiple soon to be aging max salary guys because A. Your cap room is dead so the window is

It should be a rule that a new expansion team gets the 33rd best veteran quarterback in the league. So, the way it’ll work is that all the teams will openly and transparently rate all quarterbacks, and the 33rd best quarterback (that also happens to have 5 years of service in the NFL) will automatically go to the

Just in case you’re NOT joking.... I’m assuming Metta is retiring. It was sweet to send him off this way. Too bad he didn’t imbibe his body weight in Toridol like Kobe did for His Last Game.

Wait what was it before. Honestly, no idea

Westbrook truly is the heir apparent to Kobe Bryant

None of those links work!

Winning isn’t everything. It’s just something fans point to when their life is shit and they’d like to win an argument.

Underdog, or Dead Dog?

He said he’s gonna trade it in in a few years. Plus consumer reports stated that the gti aT least was around average in reliability. That was enough for me to pull the trigger. I assume the R is around the same.

David Nwaba is a beast!

Wait have 4 dr Sis been a thing? Because methinks Honda is hoping that a plainer 4 door si will entice a certain crowd to pay more for a sportier Honda that doesn’t necessarily embarrass them around their more conservative friends.

Yeah but that helps his PPG average and late game scoring PPG which can help him on his next contract, so I don’t give a what. Go Lakers

Ouch that was like nuking a mosquito! All you had to do was let it go, man. Jeesh. Anyone willing to entertain the idea of Philly having a chance is already missing a screw. You basically stole a retard’s lunch money. How’s that slice of Papa John’s taste now? Fascist.

Eh get Fitz and Cutler. Should be fun.

I was going to say we’ve never seen the Spurs do it, but come to think of it they don’t have bad shooters because the coaching staff and players put the work in to make everyone competent at pretty much everything.

Uh and what do you call Foxy Cleopatra?? Yeah, that’s what I thought, girlfriend, mmm hmmm!