
Babs is the same age as my mother. They both grew up together. Suffice to say from my experience, this is probably not entitlement but rather the confusion that comes along with old age. That she has this many alleged assistants, would seem to also argue in favor of much.

Make your own at home!

I know next to nothing about beer, but reading that Coors and Coors Light are in the top ten tells me far too much.

No bail has just been ordered.

I've been using Macs (and often loving them) since 1985. Pardon my limited Photoshop chops, but I'm not impressed.

Do they have 10-day contracts in the NFL?

Why did they make that boat out of giant #2 pencils?!

Not sure if paid content or actual post.

Is your grill dirtier than a toilet seat? This article suggests it might be much dirtier.

"Excuse me, may I get in here?" Include a winning smile and be a winner, Hamno. Be the ball!

My wife just went through BRCA testing. Recommended due to her sister having breast cancer. Scary time, but her results were good.

Spike Lee is public enemy no. 1 at MSG. Dolan is hated, but that's too easy. Lee gets my ire at every home game.

My friend Paul is an ER doc in the Bronx who always regales us with crazy stories from work.