
Good, now can Toys for Bob finally start working on a Star Control game again?

This reminds me of the current setup in WoW with Legendary items, grind for 2-6 weeks (heard of people getting them in less time but never seen it) just to get 1 of 8 random pieces and almost never the one you want.

Just remember you can anagram Donald Trump in to Lord Dampnut.

Yes, but that has to be on the Title of the vehicle, not its condition.

Gave you a star, took it away just so I could give it again.

About 2 months ago I had a car battery dropped on my left big toe. You tell me does it look like I should waste time at a doctors office.

Eh, take a kid to the beach and they see just as much if not more.

Defer has issues too, it will just reboot when it feels like it eventually without warning. Now if Defer just popped up a screen when you lock your computer or sleep it asking if you’d like to update then. That would be perfect

I never even see that option, my pc just reboots due to an update.

Until they fix the issue where your computer runs updates while playing games and then rebooting without warning I will stick to my PS4. Tried every setting for updates nothing works.

No BSOD here move along

I usually use mine for uploading to a private ftp server to keep things safe, no need to pay for Eye-Fi Cloud services when I pay for hosting with unlimited storage that has redundant backups.

I have to say, you sir are just stupid. I am a white person, I don’t live in Chicago, but after reading a story about this yesterday I took 10 minutes to do research into the matter. A lot of people who should be charged with crimes at a federal level at this point. Personally I can see why people are pissed and have

Warner Brothers just lost out on a golden idea here. I’d buy a Tickle me Elmer Fudd mainly for hunting wabbits.

This really reminds me of working retail for two stores at the same time years ago. One half of the store was a music store (actual music lessons and instruments for sale), the other half was a comic book store. On Sundays I was the only manager for both stores and staffed with one other employee as it was really a

Love my 650

I fully understand what you are saying, but the rules you apply here have to be the same as someone else like say the Boston Marathon Bombers. Do you think the surviving bomber who is far younger than 17 should be excused because of his age? Is there a huge moral difference between threatening to cause harm to others

How about, when I was that age I knew better. And for that matter most people know better. Using peer pressure as an excuse to do something dumb ass and reckless like call in a bomb threat to an airline, I think a 10 year old knows better in this day and age.

I cthe real problem is developers don’t seem to care when they do screw up. Take Ubisoft a moment, they released assassin’s creed unity which basically was riddles with minor bugs from the get go. Then in the process of trying to fix the initial issues released mandatory patches that while fixing the minor issues made

I have a friend who a few years back bought an old police cruiser at auction, after about 2 weeks on ebay had it back at police standard issue. Then he sold it to a local film studio for some movie they were making (he does that a lot when he knows what studios are looking for in specific cars)