
Dumb bastard wasn’t thinking short term enough. Smart MBA types know that nothing matters beyond the next quarter. As a taxpayer, I look forward to doing my duty as a non-1%er and bailing Ford out in the next decade.

Now playing

Problem is, it’s still Tennessee. And that’s possibly part of what he may be are over-compensating for. Another part is because he drives a shitty 10 yr old V6 Charger. Arrested Development says it best:

Now playing

Oh you owe it to yourself to watch the original. The hair, the clothes, the terrible acting. You just can’t put a price on that entertainment value.

The contest took place at the MGM Hotel and Casino, and the league’s gambling policy prohibits players from appearing at promotional events at casinos.

This is the definition of evil - knowing better, knowing what you’re doing will harm people and not giving a single fuck anyway.

Being aware of autism - but not actually giving a shit about helping - is pretty much the same philosophy as having access to health care, but not being able to actually afford it.

And a douche. Never forget the douche part.

He’s an idiot’s notion of what a policy wonk sounds like. If you disassociate any intrinsic meaning that words themselves have, then he sounds brilliant, much like the entirety of the GOP. If you parse down anything they say, it becomes, “fuck you, I’ve got mine”.

Whoever wrote that headline

He’s self-branded. He labeled himself as a “policy wonk” and by sheer repetition, people believed it over time. It’s the old “if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people start to believe it” deal.  

Paul Ryans reputation as the Republicans serious policy guyseems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and

This is all you need to know about Paul Ryan: He’s a heartless fucking idiot.

Don’t you ever underestimate a Trump supporter’s ability to squeeze “But Clinton...” into any conversation, about literally any topic.

The day after someone mentions hem weights, we’ll get a picture of Trump’s tie sitting 5 inches away from his gut because there’s a big wadded up tape ball affixed to the back.

He is a hot mess plain and simple. He is the clown that won’t quit.

Seriously. If I were the Knicks, I’d be afraid that he’d “get some help” and then come back.

losing Augie wasn’t a big deal

Corvette Summer Vette was wayyyy wilder (and gaudier) than that one

Trump supporters are profoundly stupid people. Now that’s the 800-lb un-PC gorilla in the room. Tell them that and watch them gnash their teeth and talk about their fucking college degrees like that somehow makes them smart.

Then one time I was just hanging out in the ring and this little fucking pissant white boy named Little Mac got all up in my face. If I hadn't been on coke, I probably would have laughed and called one of my boys to politely escort him out of the gym with an autographed picture for his trouble. But I was, so I