
I always put the clean diaper under the dirty diaper first. Then I open the dirty diaper and start cleaning as described. Once I pull the dirty diaper off, I quickly lower the front of the clean diaper to avoid a pee fountain. After that I apply booty cream and seal everything up. 

Cops assault a police officer in Canada? Were are conducting an investigation.

This hot take is so stable that I think we accidentally discovered nuclear fusion.

My apologies if my opinion ruffles any feathers, but I think they the next time they do a Star Wars trilogy they should have some idea of where it’ll end up before they start off, because this trilogy was disjointed to the point of being off-putting.

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.

If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel

Not related. But my kid looked me dead in the eyes and licked a spider web once... I’m still waiting for him to return to factory settings.

I lie down and allow my kids to draw on my back with washable markers. They think its daddy being silly, I get to rest and know where they are even with my eyes closed, and it is a relaxing feelin . 

Our godson is in that bartering stage... ‘just 1 more...’ or ‘but if I could...’ The approach my husband is to set ground-rules before whatever activity occurs, and then we stick to them.

I know the type... sigh

I’ve always had great success with the “5 more minutes” (or “Oscar Mike in 5" as they came to know it), but the key was they got an update every minute.
The beauty of this was that this “5-minute countdown could take 5 minutes, or it could be done in 2. As long as they got a countdown, “minutes” could go by as quickly

Except my kids are too smart. “Five more times on the slide, huh old man? You can shove it up your ass because Im not gonna slide anymore. Now we never have to leave.”

You rode a hammer?”

Coincidentally, the phrase he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.

Afro Latina.

Hmm. Interesting. I had planned on just letting my child cling to my bare chest hair if they require transport. This seems good too

goblin slayer is so good, i cant wait to forget to watch it.

We all know the fastest way to save $1MM is to take a small loan from your father.

Skinheads and nazis are not necessarily one in the same. Skinhead is a lifestyle that has nothing to do with race. Nazis on the other hand deserve ass kicking.