
Ok, I’m gonna need a modern remake of 3 The Hard Way like, right now.

I’m confused. You spent the entire article keeping your wording meticulously gender neutral then claim that the root of the issue is “a gendered oversight.”  If people of all genders can be affected, how can it be a gendered oversight?

The OP was joking.

I don’t think porn is the problem (well, a problem, but not *the* problem)—I think *context* is the problem. Porn is to sex as professional wrestling is to Olympic wrestling. But since porn is taboo, most parents don’t take the time to make this explanation (and, just like wrestling, tell them to never attempt

We can also understand that names may be difficult to pronounce because of language differences. Some French or Chinese names for example will never be correctly pronounced by people who don’t speak the language for various reasons that have nothing to do with racism or “microagressions” including, but not limited to

In France, Ruthkanda could sue her mom when she found out!

Accusing me of Trumpism just because we have differing opinions says more about you than it does about me.  Also, calling a black man a Trumpist is tantamount to racism.

No. I’m saying that you shouldn’t publicly congratulate yourself for just how awesomely virtuous you are for not supporting fascism by canceling classes with someone who voted for the other guy unless you’re prepared for scrutiny.

You’re assuming that because she voted for Trump that she supports every single one of his policies or actions. 

Yes, I’m imperfect. And Cara Dumaplin is imperfect. But I’m also not doing a public, self-congratulatory victory lap. Furthermore, Lapetitelea
 literally wrote “Supporting fascism is unacceptable.”

So, you are of course boycotting anything made in China due to the governments continued cultural genocide and force labor of the Uighurs, correct?

“We know that particularly in African-American families, folks are talking to children about race and about discrimination and preparation for discrimination and things like that,” says Pahlke

I don’t see this as gross at all.  It’s all running down the drain anyway. It’s not like it’s collecting on the floor of the shower. Now...peeing in the shower when your partner is showering with you--that’s a whole different etiquette.

Amen! When I say I’m going to the gym people look at me funny. “Oh, I mean the one downstairs.”

When are we going to stop sexualizing men’s penises?

....unless you’re in Baltimore. We moved from the City to the County and ended up paying significantly less in property tax. We went from a 6000 square foot lot to an acre. Moreover, we’re on well and septic so no water bill. Furthermore, the schools are way better. And finally, in the City Comcast has a monopoly on

So your father is clearly a racist and that seems to be the foundation of the problem. You’re not black. You’re biracial. Anyone trying to force you to pick is a bigot. It’s like telling a bisexual that they have to be either gay or straight.

1) Place baby on top of open, clean diaper. In case of disaster this offers whatever surface the baby is on an extra layer of protection. Once you pull out the old diaper, the baby falls immediately into the clean one rather than having to swap out.

My father in law is an executive chef.  His restaurant has never done delivery or carryout because they’ve never needed to. Now, with the dining room shut down, they’ve begun to do delivery, but they are specifically forgoing the 3rd party route so that they can employ their wait staff as delivery people. That way

Two words: Bounce. House. My wife got the Little Tikes bounce house second hand from her FB mommy group months ago as a rainy day activity (it’s small enough to fit in the playroom.) Inflate that bad boy and say goodbye to the kids for at least an hour or two, after which time they are thoroughly exhausted.