
"Also, she adds, "We are not there to 'be literally hot and admired,' we are there TO GET PAID"

7. Dr. Karen Jenson in Blade

I've never been a waiter, but I try to be a great customer. First off, I let the waitperson know of any quirks I may have. For example, I drink a ton of water. I let my waitperson know ahead of time so they can bring me a larger glass, a second glass, or a pitcher so they aren't having to be constantly running to

First off: Fuck those people. Fuck them with a bus. Sideways.

"....can give you some piece of mind."

HP Envy 120. Sturdy as hell and sexy as all get out.

I asked a friend of mine once why he played Everquest with a female avatar. His response: If I'm going to stare at someone's ass for hours and hours everyday, I want it to be a woman's.

I was going to mention that Woot frequently has Gunnars on sale. I've bought two pair already.

My T-Mobile unlimited data plan comes with 2.5Gbs of tethering data per month at no extra charge.

In the end, it all comes down to this imo: Facebook keeps changing while Google+ keeps improving.

INTJ here.

Looks awesome! I love the idea of an open universe where I can just explore and live how I choose rather than having to follow some predefined plot.

What about Michael Edwards who played the "Old John Connor" from Terminator 2? Surely he was better than Edward Furlong.

Actually, going smallest to largest is exactly how I became debt free. As I conquered each debt, using the snowball method to roll into the next one, I felt better and better.

G+ all the way. I still check into FB to keep tab with my friends who I've not been able to convince to make the switch. Ever since the introductions of the Communities feature, I spend all my time there.

My wife and I refer to this as "murder sex" because the bed looks like a crime scene when we're done.

So I'm curious how this advice would differ, if at all, were it aimed at women approaching other women.

Story of a child with a winged mother and horned father from warring races you say? Sounds familiar....

My parental philosophy is simple: Raise our sons more like our daughters and our daughters more like our sons and we'll end up with sons that respect other people's daughters and daughters who respect themselves.