
"A coalition of Japanese architects have said what everyone else was too polite to say: That Zaha Hadid-designed stadium is just too big, too expensive, and looks too much like labia."


Applewhite did not "get away with" an affair with the student. That would imply that it is against school policy to have a consensual relationship with a student, and that is not the case. Here is the Texas handbook of operating procedures:

Orange glove guy is the tv timeout guy. When he crosses his arms above his head, the referee knows to take a media timeout for commercials. Then he circles one, when they come back from break.

I went with every two weeks, as that is when I change the fitted and flat sheets, but I change the pillowcases nightly. Yes, I have between 25 and 30 pillow cases. I know it seems silly, but I am prone to get pimple cheeks if I don't.

"It is fine to erase my name from the record book, but the Tour was held between 1999-2005, wasn't it? It was held and there was a winner. Who was he? No one has manifested to claim my jerseys,"

They are not twins.

Time ran out because she spoke for 11 hours, other senators then stalled another hour and half arguing procedural issues, but Dewhurst just started ignoring the Democratic senators and called for the vote. That is when the crowd got really noisy for the final 15 minutes until the clock ran out. If Senator Davis had

I don't appreciate being called a terrorist. Or an Occupy Wall Streeter or anything besides a concerned citizen. Concerned that our elected officials were using smoke and mirrors and outright lies to push their "moral" agenda. I never made it to the gallery, but was standing with hundreds of others outside the

No one bought the TSX wagon because of bad luck timing. I worked for an Acura dealer at the time and the first demo wagon had arrived the week of the Japanese earthquake/tsunami in 2011. The wagons were only being made at a plant that was shut down for several months afterwards due to supplier issues. We didn't

I do feel sad for these boys. I'm sad that they have parents that haven't taught them right from wrong, how to behave, how to accept responsibility for their actions, or how to treat others. I do feel like these boys are getting railroaded for the failures of the adults. Who bought these kids alcohol? How many