
Wait, dinosaurs had airplanes? This changes everything!

Pretty sure that your regular cap allows soda bottles to be stored upside-down, as well. Problem is, neither doing that (nor using this Sodavalve) really preserves carbonation.

People still drink soda?

That's great for skyscrappers of 29 storys tall. What about ones that are say, 40 or 80 or even 120 stories tall? I remember someone was working on an emergency parachute for offices, but I haven't heard anything about it in the last few years.

Literally noone cares yet somehow my comments are getting more stars than the assholes who think it's their God-given right to recline regardless of if it causes pain or injury to the person behind them?

you do not have very long legs if you can slide them comfortable under the seat in front of you. This is impossible for me, and I assume anyone else complaining about this.

A lot of fat people will argue that. The point is that seats (and most things in this world) are designed for the majority of humans. If you fall outside of the average by any great margin, it's not other people's fault nor should it be their burden to accommodate you. I bet you can rarely if ever buy off the rack

no training needed - except on how to properly install that eyelet you're expecting to take 290bs for a 160ft descent (in a burning building too, yeesh). and on how to not shit your pants stepping out the window.

Give that women an Oscar!! My God, the door was HOT and the goose step she did towards the door was Emmy worthy!!

I am 6'3" Just know that when you recline in front of me without so much as a care in the world, I wish for your death by pestilence.

How tall are you? I'm 6'5" and most of the time my knees are already painfully pressed against an unreclined seatback. I 100% guarantee that your inability to recline isn't even a fraction as "uncomfortable" as when someone reclines into my knees.

If they thought that themselves, they wouldn't weigh 290 pounds. They'd lose weight for health and longevity reasons.

LOL maybe short adults, if I weighed 200 pounds I'd look like an AIDS patient. I got down to 210 a year or so ago and people were regularly asking me if I was OK.

I weigh 190lbs and my dog is 95lbs, I'd be pushing it.

From my extensive experience doing this in GTA V and Battlefield 4, I will most likely die when I attempt to land.

I want this one, a high-rise escape parachute.

I think for once the roles are reversed. Apple is patiently waiting to see who's smartwatches succeed, and then use that as a basis for their own product.

You are wrong about the notifications in sleep mode. There is a way to set blocking mode to not receive notifications while sleeping.