
Then the TERMS AND CONDITIONS box that everyone clicks without reading, wise guy.

You forgot; Go fuck yourself every airline everywhere.

The back of the ticket probably has a clause along the lines of "Delta may cancel or delay your flight for any reason whatsoever with no notice." If that's the case, they're out of luck.

"At least I still have the record for dick pics in a season."
-Brett Favre

You'd pick Eli over Geno? No shit, everyone picks Eli.

This is all kind of moot. Eli will almost certainly never catch Peyton for the record of deepest pick.

A redolent man draped himself slovenly over his wheel, the car stopped. Around him, filling station attendants clucked wearily and ministered ICEEs to wayfarers dodging coke dealers and winos, who numbered but few on the inauspicious eve.

It takes a real special person to be pissed on and pissed off at the same time.

"I can see that happening."
-Gary Moeller

I don't think is a problem with Kotaku as a whole, but an occasional issue with certain writers. In this article (…), the original article set out to argue how the new consoles were changing multiplayer gaming, but it entirely ignored the ps4. The article, in its original form,

You sir are calling it like it is. Kotaku is the most biased body of journalism I've ever seen.

I wouldn't worry about it.
The twelve people who read here regularly won't shift the tide much.

Ok, Stephen. Let me tell you why I'm really close to swearing off Kotaku: You guys are obviously in Microsoft's back pocket.

Why is the years old iPad 2 pos is still $399?

Go get em tiger!

It's the worst when you fall asleep reading and drop it on your face. I'm hoping for airbags on future tablets.

They have to innovate with something next year!

"The rumors about an iPad redesign were true, but it's even slicker than we thought."

**Both offer way better screens