
Glorious. Simply glorious

You are one of those supertasters we keep hearing about right?

Yeah, it's nice to have a halfway step between "oh, it's here under the couch" and "BYE DATA YOU'RE DEAD TO ME".

Pretty cool. I was just testing the functionality and love the fact that whether the device is on vibrate or silent, choosing to RING the cellphone overrides the volume setting on the device. Very useful when you have misplaced your cellphone at home.

I actually don't really agree with that. both uses peer to peer (mostly) when online gaming so neither one really are better than the other because you're relying on the host's internet connection. I just like the ps3's dashboard a lot better through.

did you forget the ps4 is also easier to develop for? don't forget how that the xbox 1 have that annoying 32 mb esram (i may be wrong about the ram's name but it's there alright) so it's actually going to have less yield and that may affect it in the future. Both are going to be easy porting to the pc through with the

this is for both R0D1MUSPRIME & SWilliams3G

apologies, but you are an idiot. $100 cheaper, much of the same games at launch (and beyond), higher powered, and for the core gamer, no flip floppin'.

Not so much for the XB1.

Yep, getting massively outsold on release day by Sony would do great a great deal of damage to their stocks. That would be big lulz!

Why, for the lulz?

Not worth a dollar. Why pay half price for nothing? :) I am already paying the ISP, their games... and they also have their sponsors and advertising systems to win some cash. Do they really need this crap Gold Subscriptions... Maybe in few years we will need to pay a fee to install a browser, a fee to access a

Games are fine. What I don't get about the whole thing is why the hell hide features you already pay for like Netflix, HboGo or Hulu + behind a paywall. That's absurd. Other absurd thing, region blocking, yeah lets add that to the mix too. I happen to live in South America. Truth is that we've had access to Netflix,

Did you see the free game this month?? Crackdown. Ha! Hardly worth the time to download... Sony is killing Microsoft in this 'war'.

Full disclosure: I own every console from the last 15yrs except the WiiU (my wife started to get angry at my gaming habit), so I'm not a fanboi of one company or another. Also, my XBL

No one would know though if you hadn't told them, so you basically ruined the ignorance of the masses.

People are throwing around the "Hundreds of thousands" number around when they are talking about servers, but you should realize that its going to be "Tend of millions" of players. If players were paying for Azure instead of XBL, they would be paying for an order of magnitude MORE servers.

Yeah... the free games you get until the XBOX One is actually released. PS+ has been giving them out forever now, and they'll continue to do so.

Nope nope nope. This is exactly the kind of thing that made me not buy an Xbox 360, and I see it's only getting worse. There's absolutely no reason for stuff like Skype and IE to require XBLG. That's inexcusable.

I would maybe even be okay with it if Microsoft had advertised these things as Xbox Live Gold features, but they didn't. They were presented as Xbox One features, straight-up. Which is bad!