
That's great info, but the system is a bit different here in Canada :)

My tie totally matches my suit. Now I just need to learn how to tie it.

I did this; I didn't qualify for student loans because my parents were above a certain income level (not THAT high though!) so I coasted through school on plastic somehow. Then I had to fix it. The cash/debit only was more than just a big help, it was my only option. And it was also a big help.

"Don't get into debt in the first place" isn't a very helpful solution to the "Get out of debt" problem that this article is for. Some people are in debt, they need useful advice! You wouldn't yell out to a drowning man "You shouldn't have stood so close to the edge!"

When I did this I resolved that issue by setting the amount of cash/change in my pocket as my spending money for the week. When it was gone, I spent no more money that week. Over time it got easier and easier to to roll that leftover $8 or so into the next week. Or better yet, stick it in an emergency jar at the end

Counting beats per minute, performance measurement. Too complicated!

Do you mean, as opposed to just providing it as an update through the normal update channel?

I'll give it a go, hopefully they've resolved the "tweetdeck sucks and is completely useless" issue I was having before.

I find that checking in on Facebook after being on Twitter feels like visiting the village you grew up in after living in the big city. Same old boring people, slowly doing the same old boring things month after month, year after year, untouched by the wide world whizzing by just over the hill and down the highway.

I downloaded the tracker and checked out the data. True, it stores Location data. But it's not very good data.

Yeah, I sometimes get into a reception hole, but still, the range of places I can use my cell phone is generally better than my landline. If I put a long cord on the base station I can set it up on the porch, but even then I only get about 100 metres or so from my house.

Buying a new power supply from Apple is still cheaper than buying a new power supply from Dell. I've learned that lesson.

I just don't attach my last name to any of my online activity, except Facebook, but that's locked tight and I don't put pics up. There are lots of Kevins in the world. And conveniently, there are a surprising number of Kevin's with the same last name as me, each of whom are very active in their various fields of

They used to have a viewing-only Vimeo app, doesn't seem to be there any more. I think this replaces it. I still have it installed on my iphone though

Have they fixed it? It's been a year or so for me, but I was finding that the more I used it, the slower and slower it got. Cold starts especially were excruciatingly slow. Now, Safari to me is like IE: a Firefox/Chrome downloader

Edit, due to commenting wtf

Never mind the salad bar, ANY salad purchased at a restaurant is high-profit margin.

Oh, good, a new version of Firefox Downloader

I interrupt with "No thank you, please dont' call again" and I hang up. My wife will sit and listen for a break in the shpiel so she doesn't have to interrupt them. Drives me crazy, I just want to take the phone from her and hang up for her.

Every reasonable combination of my first and last name or initials has been taken on every email service out there, so if I want an account with that service, my only choice is to add some ridiculous combination of numbers on the end of my name.