
Fetish was just a suggestion. An odd suggestion. I think the idea is that you'd choose the first word YOU think of. So facebook makes that guy think of college, but I'd pick something else since Facebook appeared after I graduated

My method is to always cook extra for dinner, and then my wife and I have ready-made lunches all week. Or alternately, cook extra quantities of the main meat ingredient at dinner, and keep that for sandwiches and other recipes.

Throwing away money every single day on garbage restaurant food is a bad idea whether you can afford it or not. You're just pissing away cash. I've never had a restaurant meal that was better than what I can cook for myself, so why would I throw cash away for it?

When I was a kid I was the problem child who hated spaghetti, pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, all those foods that are staples of kids birthday parties and things like that. I know now that it's because those foods, when presented to children, are traditionally drowning in ketchup or runny tomato sauce, two things I

Social Media as a productivity tool? Well.. I can use it like a blunt tool to bludgeon productivity to death!

Ha! Saw that one coming!

This trick assumes that you're sleeping alone. My wife might not notice if I tried to make the bed while she was still in it, but the cat would complain like crazy.

It's still doing it!

I read it as the brand name + product type. Like if Apple sold apples they would be called Apple apples.

The Google sync for iOS is awesome, I've been using it for as long as they've had it. Way better than the MobileMe equivalent, which I have also tried.

I work in video production and I wouldn't touch a dSLR for video. It's good enough for capturing a few shots from a family outing, but otherwise it's not versatile enough for what you'll want to do with it. Get a halfway decent camcorder with a MIC Input port on it, I can't emphasize that enough. You won't be happy

I'd stick with Final Cut Pro myself, but I suppose you could get away with Adobe Premiere. Major upside: Your school probably already has some Adobe CS licenses kicking around, upgrade one to the CS5 Production Premium and you score Premiere and After Effects. That said, if your people want to learn this stuff for use

I bet Uncle Google would know. My guess is just shy of boiling point: that's mid-90s to me, don't know what that is in Fahrenheit.

Bug report! Notifications are still buggy. I hit clear notifications, and then I return to the site later and I see the little 2 or 3 indicating new messages, but they're not new, they're one's I've already seen and cleared.

I'm not familiar with Dunkin Doughnuts coffee, but I AM familiar with Tim Hortons, and I've had this this same discussion about their brew-at-home coffee.

You don't need a 3DTV for the Playstation, though. I'm about as interested in 3D gaming as I am interested in 3D movies or TV, which is to say, not at all. Also, 3DTVs are still in their infancy which means they're going one of two places: into the scrap heap of history with the laser disks and the 8-tracks, or so

No, they only did it right for the first couple of generations of PS3. A current-model PS3 doesn't play PS2 games, and I live in fear that a software update will cripple my PS3's PS2 ability as well.

I bought a used PS3 (that plays PS2 games, woot!) and it came with the spare controller, and I bought an HDMI cable for 10 bucks. And I buy all my games used. It wasn't THAT expensive, overall. Plus it was a one-time expense, it's not like a monthly expense that keeps bleeding money.

I actually DID quit smoking, and it was easy-peasy. Here's how I did it

I think I'd shy away from a Windows 7 phone myself but I'm sure Google won't ignore the platform. They'll smooth out the integration process soon enough.