Kevin Street

Late last year, for the first time in my 30-plus years of living indoors, I got my own place. No parents, no

Another HUGE feature is actually a combo.

Another extremly hidden feature is "activity" where you can watch your friends screenshots and achievement. Why aren't my friends ever looking at this? Don't they care about me and my achievements in life? :(

This map is from a different game and has been mistakenly used in this article. At the moment nobody has been eliminated, but Nazi Germany and North Korea are down to one city each, and are in a race to see who loses first.

Should be noted the third map isn't from the same game. Its from another 42-civ game (still running) set up by thenyanmaster

> "The Best Day After Christmas Deals"

> "The Best Day After Christmas Deals"

I miss the Big E. I'm a trek fan. As such... I feel depressed seeing the new films. Because I know that the core of what made Star Trek important to me wasn't there anymore. Its like watching how the mirror universe came to be. I just thank whatever powers that be that Guardians of the Galaxy was the way it was.

One thing that I did notice is that Rebels/Republic/Alliance still aren't using closed helmets in their starfighters.! Come on guys, you're fighting in space. How hard is it to make a pressurized flight suit! Even our own (planet-stranded) air force has them!

I am a huge Star Trek fan. Seen every episode of every series. The TNG timeline was basically the most robustly built alternate TV/Movie universe of all time. It was mismanaged from Voyager on, but it still remains some of the best TV of all time. Watch DS9 today, it is much more relevant now than in the 90s. Amazing

Watch It If You Like: Big Bang Theory