long lines at Reliant concessions, empty register. VY can work it, IM READY! — Vince Young (@VinceYoung) October 13, 2013
long lines at Reliant concessions, empty register. VY can work it, IM READY! — Vince Young (@VinceYoung) October 13, 2013
Kubiak: "Welcome to the team, Vince! I'm sure you'll fit in just fine."
What a powermove! Classic Schiano Man!
I think Danny Amendola is a talented slot receiver. Unfortunately, he also seems to be made wholly out of duct tape and glass.
Pictured: Houston getting exactly what they deserve.
As a Texans fan, I am absolutely ashamed of my demographic. We're typically known to be better fans than this and I just can't bel—
*comment intercepted, returned for touchdown*
Dan Schmitz @Simms2106
@drewmagary You can shit on my team, but don't shit on my city.
8:50 AM - 11 Oct 2013
After having the steak, Rick quoted Bob as saying that his column was "well done".
Dear Greggggggggggg, Just two quick things, verily and forsooth and thine and all:
How by the power of Grayskull does you're 2 year old even know who the hell He-Man is? I mean...don't get me wrong...Respect his way for some serious taste in 80's toons, but HOW?
As a Jets fan, I would also be happy for you to go 0-16.
I don't regret calling for the return of Gregggggggggg, but after this weeks episode I don't blame you for needing a break Drew, because any human that can read his full article week after week and not shoot themselves in the face is a saint
The St. Louis Cardinals beat the Pittsburgh Pirates last night, because the Cardinals don't like it when another…
Aldon Smith is still on indefinite leave from the 49ers to deal with his substance abuse problems, but his legal…
As to @JayGlazer report on Eli Manning being healthy and ready for week 6, Giants fearing the worst. "its a legitimate concern," source said
I love the dejected fan right before it cuts away from the tank holding up the "RED SOX WICKED AWESOME" sign. Odd time for that.
This is a great fucking comment. If you have ever posted or considered posting a Simpsons JPG or movie quote or some other unoriginal piece of shit, take a minute to figure out why this is what we want to see here.
From the Buccs to the Vikings or Raiders. Seems like GMs are grading him in the high Cs.