
That’s not a bad take, that is the worst take.

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed

I know you are long since numb to it, and I know every day is worse than the last, but I’d like you to remember just

Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.

I hate to put the onus on one man, bur Tom Brady is key here. He kneels, and everything goes berserk.

I imagine Billy Hunter and his kids have some free time.

I’m really not that bad, once you get to know me.

Why do people want to see this? Am I mistaken, or is Lesnar a way worse fighter than Cormier?

My question is this, how did you even notice the story? Between the dozens of Swimsuit articles ads, the auto play videos that occur not once but twice in every fucking article, and then the numerous click bait crap embedded multiple times within every article too, I can’t fathom how it is possible to digest the

Only between cousins.

Pretty much every Conferderate-related statue is borne from that, or a similar kind of quote, considering that was like literally the point of the Confederacy. So blanket removal is a-ok.

A lot of pro wrestling journalism is written with a sort of toe-dipped-in-the-water tone where the writer is trying to get across that they don’t seriously buy into this stuff. The first journalist I ever read who didn’t do that was David Shoemaker, right here on Deadspin, and I remember thinking, this is neat. Here’s

Let’s be clear about a couple of things:

(1) I’m not a Cubs fan, fair weather or otherwise. I’m a former resident of St. Louis, with in-laws in the region, who enjoys any opportunity to snipe at my family and neighbors. I just wasn’t expecting to do it from the vantage-point of Milwaukee.

(2) Your moniker freaks me

That actually happened? I was living in St. Louis at the time, and I guaran-damn-tee you that I chalked that whole series up to a Provel-induced flashback.

Between this and the fact that I just internalized that the Houston Astros have the best record in the American League, I’m beginning to wonder whether I was

Not to be overlooked in this, is Twin Peaks has one of the top 5 theme songs of all time (behind Cheers, right there with M.A.S.H., ahead of Roseanne)

Maybe because the world is a little bit more important than creating safe spaces for Trump-fucking snowflakes to relive the glory years they never had. Fuck off and die.

Ding ding ding!

What? Are you getting your law degree from Costco as well? Tell Frito I said “hi”.