Kevin Camp Photo

I don't get out of their way. Sometimes they honk when they realize that I'm not budging. I laugh.

"A big-ass truck. Any of the newer ones will do, as long as it's a crew cab and a higher trim level. Since you're up off the ground, you can see farther ahead, which helps you determining if the traffic jam is clearing up, or you're going to be there for a while. If you need to change lanes, just put your blinker on

But when that happens, you would ask the delivery person to give you back change in 1's, not just expect him to understand what you want without discussion.

Not that I'm an angel but there is one rule I always follow and that is NEVER be rude or mean to people who are providing you a service. Bar tenders, waiters, delivery boys, etc. Their job sucks. They don't need you being a dick to them on top of it. Even when a waitress/waiter messes up I do my best to not make an

Came here to post this. There is an excessive amount of left lane loafing going on here. Look at all the wide open space in the other lanes. Move over! Glad the driver is ok though.

This is why you should keep right except to pass.

Kind of a prototype for what living in a space or undersea colony would be like.

Budapest just seems like it would be the most Jalop part of Europe.

The Germans do indeed have a sense of humor.

That was hilarious. I want all of the music for when I'm driving and/or slow-motion catwalking.

electric cars fit our infrastructure far better than hydrogen cars do. Electricity is supplied everywhere and hydrogen, its production, and its delivery are supplied no where. Just think of hydrogen as a really shitty way to transport electricity and you will have the right mindset. And take a look at the Tesla

If he delivers on this shit, my next car should be perfectly timed to be a model 3. Right now with falling gas prices there has been a lot of anti tesla sentiment. My desire for a car with full torque from zero RPM and less mechanical parts splashed with a dose of fun hasn't abated one bit. I'm willing to admit that I

And what does this matter?

Yes, it's the only motor that makes sense for GTE. They can enlarge the 3.5 and increase the boost pressure. It'll clear 600hp and still be GTE legal. They get huge benefits from this over running a V8.

It is a lot lighter, much of it because they only have half the car up front. 72.5% of that weight is over the rear wheels too, so the front wheels are barely carrying anything. I don't know if it's better or worse, but it is different. I like that. They have a team of highly talented people behind this design and

Seems you need to go take a look at its history. Sorry, but though it might seem that way to you, yu are just missing the fact that this just has not been the case at all.

Similar things were said when someone put a wing on a F1 car.

He may have hit the dear, however, he didn't lose control of the car. To me, that is a save compared to the reaction most drivers would have.

it was too scary for him to comprehend. kind of a "Well, i'm not dead. Carry on then" sort of deal