Kevin Camp Photo

So... for an extra $20k I can have a subcompact car where the car payment exceeds what I would pay for fuel even after the tax credit.

If you put your race car together correctly, then its not hard to pull and engine for repairs.

Thanks Alex for sharing this. Guys like these are the ones that help build champions. Through their work ethic, through their unrelenting competition and dedication.

Then you find out for real what real pieces of crap cars like the Charger SRT8, Ford Taurus SHO, and Chevy SS truly are. Bloated, poor handling pigs dressed up with some stickers and marketing. Sure, they have power, but they weigh as much as a dump truck and wouldn’t make the first turn at any of the tracks you

When it took 3 hours to SYNC... yes it wa sterrible. Loved the device when I had it. The support for the device was terrible. .

Enjoying Android phones after my experience with iTunes and the iPhone 3G. Never again.

But then I remember that it also comes with iTunes, and.... fuck that shit.

I agree with you there. But releasing any info on domestic surveillance techniques was going to also reveal the capabilities the NSA had in infiltrating global telecommunication. I think where he went wrong was in how he did it. I honestly think he believed it would be like some movie where he would be exonerated in

I have always had mixed feelings about Snowden. I get his reasoning behind the whistle blowing, but you gotta pretty damn stupid to think that an entity tasked with gathering information both domestic and abroad is going to be some sort of bastion of morality. The NSA would be 100% ineffective if they didn’t spy on

The problem with the “smaller” truck is that it costs exactly the same to build as the bigger truck. It’s just smaller and has less working capacity. That’s why the small truck market died. The prices of the smaller trucks got to be exactly the same as the bigger versions and folks finally wised up and stopped buying

I think party of the appeal of the Alien is it moves and acts in a sensual manner too. Kills are very personal, in your face most of the time. It can move lightning quick, but prefers to slowly and systematically stalk the victim, lying in wait almost like a spider or Preying Mantis.

But we don’t really know what the conditions may have been. The Earth could have a relatively stable life supporting planet without its major satellite and the planet killing collision wiped out every last piece of evidence of any life forms from this epoch.

I live in a similar sized smaller city in the Midwest, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I love the smaller town atmosphere, the renaissance in small businesses that are thriving in the bar/restaurant scene and out local music scene with dozen of live bands weekly. Love to visit the big cities, but I’ll take a smaller city any day to

I like the concept of an electric/hybrid. But trading fuel savings for car payments is pretty much a zero sum game. Green means green in pocket too.

So.... was there life on Earth before this major collision incident that was wiped out completely? All evidence lost in the reforming of the entire planet?

Won’t happen. They need them for advertising space.

I honestly do not know how you’ll remove aerodynamic downforce from the cars with going to a common chassis or “spec” car. The manufacturers would most likely all abandon the series as we have seen in almost every other form of “spec” style racing. I know the cars all look similar now but that’s down to hour upon hour

Looks like a less metallic version of the 2000 Ford Focus Kona Edition color Dirt.

Agreed, but in the vehicle industry, the Fed refers to FMVSS. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. But I get your point.

Very true.