Kevin Camp Photo

There is a guy here in Tulsa I see often in a small Tatra or Unimog that is about the width of a Tacoma and about half as long. Driver seat looks like it would about even with the bottom of the window sill on your Hummer. It has plates and looks like a drab green piece of farm equipment. Much better for the urban maze

That’s what alcohol is for.

I bought a new 1990 Ford Ranger 4.0 V6 and when I was shopping for it was amazed that it got 2 mpg less than the twin plug 4 cylinder. The V6 wasn’t exactly a tower of power but it was more than twice as torque(y) as the anemic 4 cylinder without the mpg penalty.
This is the problem with all “small” trucks, they

The world needs more people like him. People that willingly go and seek out those who are in pain and suffering, especially children, only to help brighten their day and lift their spirits. It’s a rare gift that does not get celebrated enough. There are many people out there that work diligently outside the limelight

Your Milky Way image is probably worth it.

I often forget that the majority of people I know have maybe ventured only one state away from where they were born. Being the son of a career Navy father (22 years of service) my first 19 years was spent on or adjacent to a Navy base. Most Military Brats don;t refer to their home town, but the base they lived on. NAS

Always wear gloves when racing. Always. Yes its hot, yes its a pain in the ass, but its better than even minor burns all over your hands

That would be correct. But the argument in the article was the sheer amount of waste product in butchering animals in a production line. The animal product waste is small, but resources are required to raise and process them. The real question will be can a lab create a replacement for meat protein that satisfies the

Certainly it is all done in an effort to capitalize on everything they handle, that’s only good business sense. But, there is very little to no waste in the meat processing industry.

Your loud ass pipes right at my window do not encourage me to look out for you. They discourage me from it.

Apparently he folks at the Modern Agriculture Foundation have not been in a meat processing facility. Critters go in, product comes out, everything is harvested. Everything. Bones, hide, blood, excrement from bowels, organs that are not typical food products, everything is used for something.

Lol. Says everyone in the Midwest. Its summer.

The Angelenos are the only ones who can truly speak about the traffic, they live it. Glad I don’t have to, I have enjoyed visiting LA several times but happy I don’t have to deal with the sprawl and traffic on a daily basis.

Reform the IOC? Might as well attempt to reform US Politics, it would easier than trying to

Of course, its all a matter of taste, but everything there is light years better than anything Hip Hop related, which is basically poorly done Dr. Seuss rhymes with “music” by non-musicians and other people devoid of talent.

Why repair the cab? They don’t usually repair torn up beds on trucks, they simply replace the entire component. If he entire roof was ripped up, then replace the entire structure and use the usable components from the cab interior.

I wasn’t snapping at anyone. Just clarifying. I apologize if it offended, not my intention. But having raced, having had friends die racing, this kind of stuff gets personal for me.

Yes. So the folks who are demanding the racing be more dangerous can get a feel for what its like to have their ass on the line. Its easy to make stupid statements like “it’s too safe” or it needs more “danger” when they don’t have any skin in the game.

I would make this suggestion... for every reporter and ex-racer who bitches about too much safety, you will attend every race and stand just on the inside of the curbing on the outside edge of the fastest corner on the track during the race. Then we can make a decision as to what is safe, what is prudent and why

If you understand how modern A/C works, a huge portion of what helps the room feel cooler is to remove much of the humidity from the air, especially in areas with higher humidity. This helps our bodies evaporate sweat faster and feel cooler in process.

My Dad spent 22 years in the Navy, the first 20 years of my life. We were stationed at NAS Memphis at Millington, TN where the Navy used to have a huge training center. My dad taught at the A School there for a number of years. As usual, at every duty station we had, our house was always either on approach or