Kevin Camp Photo

Its easy to point the finger and proclaim, I’d be that good if only I had the resources. She does have the resources, but at the end of the day she goes out there and beats all comers. Her killer ride doesn’t get up the hill all by itself. If her competitors just throw up their hands and quit because their ride isn’t

I use both. I shoot literally thousands of images monthly and need the workflow speed that LR offers over PS in cataloging, sorting and exporting groups of files over individually in PS. I use PS for fine tuning and editing images where LR is much less capable.

If you look at 0:14 sec into the video, the crash has already begun, and the cars involved are not in the kitty litter nor blinded by it yet. As usual, someone in the back decides its time to go the front ASAP and turns another car sideways in the process. Granted it only makes sense to broom off as much loose

Quite the finish there. Obviously Rossi saved it for the hard charge at the end when he knew Marquez would be at his worst. Marquez can usually rip off 7 or 8 wicked laps early on then control the pace from the front and the trailers are demoralized by his initial speed. Rossi has been that guy in the past and also

Sawing and grinding sword shapes out of plate steel does not make one a swordsmith. A properly hand forged sword, has a hardened edge with a softer more pliable core to keep it from breaking. It requires a lot of heating and hammering to shape the blade correctly to make a real sword . These are basically prop swords,

When I see statements like “millenials don’t buy cars” I realize its a very NYC or other major city train of thought. If you live in a major metro with good public transportation, near zero or hideously expensive parking, very few locations to refuel, then its true. But for anyone else, a vehicle is mandatory to do

In Tulsa, the oil boom allowed many of the companies to build extravagant and highly decorated Art Deco masterpieces for the offices and many of our churches. Most of these buildings are listed on the National Historical Register and are preserved. However, common sense has prevailed and most have modern electrical,

Most motorcycle racing, road and offroad and even competitions like Trials, are the only place where the rider can really be seen making the machine do what they want. Even open top race cars cocoon the driver for safety and rightly so. You can see a racer man handling the bike, forcing more from it than you'll ever

If you mean what weapons we respond with, I agree.

There are a few things we can say for sure... there will always be war. and, it is a proven fact that man does NOT learn from history. There has always been war. We will probably never outgrow war. There will always be someone or some group that will be willing to kill another for their property, their resources,

I would love to see an Americas Cup version for North, Central and South America and then have the top 5 teams from the European series, a Pacific Rim series and Americas series get together to hash out the World Championship in a multi-race finale.

Bought and paid for.

I took a trip to England back in 2000. The friend I stayed with had a nice BMW 3 series. It was for sure weird to ride up front on the left hand side (especially when he liked to enter a roundabout at a pretty good clip). But the odd thing I did notice was the shift pattern was the same as ours, 1st on left side of

What software do they use for all the news reports that come up false?

Key words... “Reporters must be desperate”.

The old "Handbags At Dawn" duel that is so common in F1. Hamilton is a spoiled little brat and so is his teammate Rosberg. It was a dick move for Hamilton to mess with the race as he did, but he's always been into gamesmanship. As far as Rosberg goes, if you don't like what he's doing, then do something about it and

Does anyone reckon price has anything to do with it?

Its also a case of "I want that cushy very high paying consultation job at (insert major military aircraft builder here) after I retire from the service" as a reward for propping up programs like the F35 and others.

Well done. I have remoted cameras for weddings and events when I was the only shooter and triggered them via a remote flash trigger. This would be much more flexible setup.

It might be fugly, but its not Panamera fugly.