Kevin Camp Photo

We have the run-what-you-brung Midnite Drags here in Tulsa after the regular racing program at Tulsa Motor Raceway. I think its $20 to enter a car. Safety inspections do apply as well.

I live pretty much near the center of the US in Oklahoma. For the most part are named in various languages, predominantly Cherokee and Creek-Muscogee after two of the larger tribes forced to re-settle here and French-Acadian (Cajun) from the folks who settled after migrating from Louisiana. So we get towns like Tulsa

Same exact process with the IRS. And none of it is in a foreign language, none of it is one paperwork that is not designed, created and distributed by the IRS and yet... its a never ending maze of hurdles and ridiculous rationalizations for their lack of competence. Good luck with the Skyline.

That is true, but California has not constructed power grid infrastructure to support the mass influx of population and that is where the majority of the state's energy savings come from. Instead the state leadership expects states like Oklahoma, where I live to give electricity to them to avoid the rolling blackouts

Winner, winner. Chicken dinner. Close out my work day with a chuckle. Well done.

Damn. I thought the deal was as you got older you became wiser. Obviously for Mr. Robertson he passed that by and is falling in to the the abyss of absurd stupidity. Surely he has people that vet anything he says or does? If so, why are they still drawing a check?

The time honored technique of distracting the masses while continuing the same old bullshit as always, techniques repeatedly used by our esteemed politicians. When something major comes up, like how expensive, relatively boring and marginalized F1 has gotten due to piss poor management, find something totally off base

I'm an engineer with 33 years of manufacturing experience myself. There is more to it here than just making a better mousetrap. And hand crafted does not necessarily impart higher quality nor does making 1000 units per hour either. Sometimes things are made like this because its as much about the process of building

The launch process is probably nerve racking as he stated, but as soon as you leave that deck you know eventually you gotta come back and land on it too. And in the dark, I mean the real dark... like being in your closet at night with no lights on, that's where it takes more than balls of steel. That's why they are

If you have never been on the internet before, you might not have heard the big news this week: Apple is making a car called Project Titan.

The only better than this column weekly, would be this column daily, but that might dilute your fabulous sense of humor. Never stop Mr. DeMuro. You rock.

Its really funny what gets passed off as "cafe" racer these days. This is more drag racer than cafe racer.

I've worked in manufacturing plants darker and more dungeon like than this, probably doing harder labor than these prisoners ever did. And if you think that is hyperbole, go work in a die cast or sand cast foundry in Texas for a single summer.

I used to work in the engineering department of Navistar's school bus plant here in Tulsa. We worked all the time to FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) as well as CMVSS (Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) and to ADA (American Disabilities Act) Standards. We had the manuals in our office as well as in

Looks a little narrow for two passengers but I can see past that. And since you are not driving I guess your baggage just goes in your lap or you sit on it. Makes sense now.

To me, much more a sales gimmick than truly useful item especially since the ones I have seen are rarely up to date and require too much effort to update. I rarely ever use the nav on my phone as well. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, I have the address, I know how to find it.

Only room for your ass. No room for groceries, for anything other than what you can jam into your pockets. That's a lack of functionality.

Can the author please explain the fascination of in-car navigation and how this has become a must-have component in a car? I get it if you are constantly travelling to cities you don't live in and need to get around efficiently. Do you actually use it to get to work, or get home, or go to the store?

I'd never kick a car person, even if they are motoring with an auto. I simply prefer a manual, in fact I have never owned an automatic even after 36 years of owning my own cars and trucks. Its just raises the fun factor to 10 and keeps me interested in driving.

A Touch of the Wobbly Boot - physical condition after imbibing a little too much of your fav adult beverage.

Hoodus - manufacturing term for any device or object you cannot identify.

Mollyhopper - derogatory term used to describe a person not present while in polite company.

Cattywhompus - used to describe someething