Kevin Camp Photo

Thirty miles west of Tulsa, Oklahoma is the SCCA track known as Hallet Motor Cicuit in Hallet, Oklahoma. Length: 1.8 miles, 10 turns, elevation changes: 80 feet due to the Osage Hills it winds over (western OK is flat). Hosts numerous SCCA events, CMRA motorcycle races and club events. Hosted a GP the last year of the

I remember seeing an image of Ken Miles in one of the 427SCs in a left hand corner reaching across to close the passenger side door every lap because the Ford big block had so much torque it was flexing the chassis enough that the door would pull free of the catch and fly open. I do believe that Ken Miles was the

Is the NSA Spygate Scandal as bad as Watergate? Maybe, but since most mass media will not tie the scandal directly to the President (guilty or not) like Nixon was directly tied to the Watergate Scandal, it is not the same, the outcome and fallout will not be the same.

If you won;t call it a van, then for sure its The War Wagon.

There are a couple of things hindering the BMW. Number 1 is the driver. Dude in the Camaro is mastering the Scandinavian Flick here. Keeping the big Camaro on the slide and using its mass and the V8 to full advantage. The driver in the M3 is trying to minimize his slides and this has killed his momentum on the low

The problem is that it is a publicly held company and that means investors truly own the company. His family gave up the rights to the family business when they took outsiders' money in the IPO. Unfotunately that leaves you at the mercy of people whose passion is making money not cars. Unless he was running the

Eurosport always has the best coverage and never takes themelves too seriously.

Another instance of "driver lost control". Kind of a catch-all term isn't it? Just judging by the images, which may or not be misleading, some things I see. It appears to be daytime. It appears the road is dry. The crash took place in Florida and I am pretty sure throughout recorded history Florida has not had very

There are two different metrics to consider when drag racing. Fast and Quick. In this exercise the Agera is quicker as it out-accelerates the Veyron. In a top speed ruin the Veyron is faster having a higher terminal speed. So, the Agera is quicker machine and the Veyron is faster.

Everybody on the road right now in a lesser vehicle needs to take a lesson from this. Keep the hell away from the huge trucks. Legal load limits of 75,000 pounds and over 100,000 for overweight loads multiplied by the kinetic force and unstoppability of an avalanche do not make it a fun tangle in your sub 5000 pound

You know why they don't, becasue they are lazy. I have always used the parking brake myself.

It won't be easy, the culture of abendience is very strong and with 24hr a day inculcation videos and radio playing to children the propoganda reality becomes the only reality. Pyongyang has successfully isolated N Korea from Facebook, something that the Middle Eastern despots failed to do and it has cost many their

In truth, the design is juvenile. Trying oh so hard to be really cool and failing. Like something I sketched in a my spiral notebook during history class in the 7th grade. It looks like a desperate attempt to pimp up the design by buying a bunch of those crappy "custom" add-ons you find at Pep Boys. It just needs a

An electromagnetic pulse won't just disable electronics, it stops or disrupts the flow of electrons. So even if a bomber is riding a 30 year old lawnmower, the pulse can theoretically disrupt or disable the magneto from working.

Even if the all-electric or ICE-electric hybrid doesn't pan out for racing, I applaud Nissan and Ben Bowlby for further developing the initial design of the Deltawing. It's simple, it's lightweight and it works. Plus, it's a damn sight better looking than the Daytona Protoypes from the old Grand Am. They look like

What appears to be another example of...
1. An individual trying to make up for the their lack of driving skill by adding in an insane amount of horsepower.
2. Another auto tuner/builder making up for their lack of expertise in automotive work by ignoring braking/suspemsion in favor of adding in an insane amount of

There is often purpose behind radical modifications... motorsports being the foremost. But there are also those who want to say my car has this much extra power even though it scares the living bejesus out of them and they never, ever use it. There are those who use the extreme mods to make up for the fact that they

Yes, that is correct, I too have worked with many inept freelance models. Of all the tools and equipment the photographer has, being able to connect with the subject is more important than specialized camera gear and in my 18yrs experience that is where most photographers fail. Its often the most difficult thing to

No. In front of the lens is what I meant. When you are working with top talent, models who make nice 5 and 6 figure salaries as a professional model, the photographer is the easist part of the equation to replace. It happens all the time in the industry. Photographers are a dime a dozen, top talent is a limited

I've been down that road chasing the coolest gear. Don't get me wrong, good gear makes the success rate better and makes my job simpler. But in the end, the ability to connect with the subject, to get them to perform at their best is much more important than EXIF data and high end gear. I know many photographers who