Kevin H

My theory is that the 12 monkeys are genetically engineered humans designed to be the progenitors of a new human race. They are called monkeys because the current human race is descended from monkeys. The plague was created to wipe of the current instance.

I believe the rule is that you hand the ball to the manager/pitching coach, not toss it. After the toss the manager pulls Wilson back, gives him the ball and then Wilson hands it to him.

I'm pretty sure sodium hydroxide is a base, not an acid.

Romans used to make sauces such as defrutum and sapa that were reductions prepared in lead pots. Recipes indicate that lead was important to the taste of the sauces so it's believed to be a big source of lead in the Roman diet.…

Buttermilk Pie

But it's set in Brooklyn, NY

It's because they don't want the 49ers to have as many Super Bowl victories as the Steelers