The line for the Texas State game just went down from -66 to -61 due to likely first quarter suspension.
The line for the Texas State game just went down from -66 to -61 due to likely first quarter suspension.
“She’s a nobody. Not a real celebrity.”
- Haters who read and comment on 500 Days of Kristin
I’m lovin’ it!
- Nobody
I once got sunburnt at Troon watching The Open. So the joke is kind of on me here.
In fairness, Scottish people have no idea what the sun looks like.
I’ll sound like a shit heel Cardinals fan but, his job is to cheat? Oh right, his job is to get on base by bending the rules down by 6 runs in the bottom of the ninth. It’s actually just, if not more, cheesedick to say that he was right to get on base by any means necessary because that’s his job. And of course the…
So much for the theory that pandas are fickle when it comes to mating.
I used to work with a guy who signed off every conversation with “keep it moist.”
{dick pic}
I seriously doubt Kevin Smith owns a belt at all.
Drink rosé and never wear Birkenstocks.
Chevy Chase is the laugh of the day. Sweet listicle, millennials!
* Pac-Sun runs out of brown flip-flops
100th Moss Homerun Ball
(Baseball’s Best Fans)
FWIW, Italians will find ANY excuse to bring this up. It’s their second shooter.