First time the words "most-fun" and "Crystal Palace" have ever been used together in a sentence.
First time the words "most-fun" and "Crystal Palace" have ever been used together in a sentence.
Here you go!
"Bulleit Rye is probably made by Coors or something, but fuck me if it isn't delicious."
Nearby $850,000 one bedroom condo owners won’t allow fireworks after 9:30pm.
It really says something that he’s considered the pathetic Screech.
“Where’s the corn stawwrch?? I just sawr et!”
No one who is from DC or lived in the area for more than 20 minutes calls it Reagan. It’s National to the people who really hate the new name, or DCA to people who want to stay out of it and keep it clean.
“It’s the most convenient airport to all of Northern Virginia.”
And #NeverForget this classic!
I think you mean Old Pile
Hilarious watching ESPN shill for Wrigley too. Listening to Schulman you’d think they were gracefully restoring the Sistine Chapel.
"that certainly shook anyone and everything associated with Washington, D.C."
When I'm at the Rehoboth DFH I don't even bother with FrankenMoutainDewBeers. In fact, a lot of the time I don't even stray from the 75 Minute Cask because it's unique to the pub and I love cask ales. I just divorce their crazy experimental chaff from the mainline wheat. 60, 75, 90, Indian Brown, Worldwide Stout,…
Enough with the wood. Except when it's awesome. Burton Baton is awesome.
Their traditional beers are fantastic.
Also, fuck every school that's left in the tournament. Dickbag factories.
That's great Big Jim, but how far can you football his face?
This comment is great enough on its own, but the grayed out butthurt underneath is the icing on the cake.
On a motor vehicle blog. About the most popular TV show ever made about motor vehicles.